St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Atomic Pinball Summer 2024
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing lifetime stats - click for season stats)

  Craig Holan Gary Vollmer Lars Hagen Whitney Arpasi

 Low: 5,266,980
 Avg: 23,900,550 (3 plays)
High: 60,709,260

 Low: 6,552,220
 Avg: 24,483,440 (4 plays)
High: 41,059,790

 Low: 5,625,730
 Avg: 23,567,480 (4 plays)
High: 61,711,330

 Low: 4,836,950
 Avg: 5,489,480 (2 plays)
High: 6,142,010

Addams Family

 Low: 23,452,890
 Avg: 44,823,870 (2 plays)
High: 66,194,840

 Low: 33,090,300
 Avg: 71,889,350 (3 plays)
High: 114,246,290

 Low: 20,699,270
 Avg: 20,699,270 (1 play)
High: 20,699,270

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 3,160,340
 Avg: 11,560,190 (3 plays)
High: 26,751,090

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 369,200
 Avg: 369,200 (1 play)
High: 369,200

 Low: 655,880
 Avg: 655,880 (1 play)
High: 655,880

No Plays

 Low: 130,890
 Avg: 130,890 (1 play)
High: 130,890

Alien Poker

No Plays

 Low: 114,330
 Avg: 609,820 (2 plays)
High: 1,105,300

No Plays

 Low: 147,710
 Avg: 147,710 (1 play)
High: 147,710

Attack From Mars

 Low: 869,193,560
 Avg: 1,168,129,970 (3 plays)
High: 1,451,992,860

 Low: 1,536,679,850
 Avg: 2,076,295,890 (3 plays)
High: 3,011,256,900

 Low: 1,945,017,010
 Avg: 3,768,986,510 (2 plays)
High: 5,592,956,000

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,918,170
 Avg: 12,389,030 (3 plays)
High: 23,619,820

No Plays

Avengers IQ

 Low: 5,941,630
 Avg: 24,001,220 (10 plays)
High: 43,419,220

 Low: 3,248,220
 Avg: 30,333,560 (7 plays)
High: 64,784,240

No Plays

 Low: 5,307,140
 Avg: 36,874,400 (3 plays)
High: 60,625,490

Bally Star Trek

No Plays

 Low: 24,130
 Avg: 1,177,340 (2 plays)
High: 2,330,550

No Plays

No Plays

Batman 66

 Low: 12,073,790
 Avg: 62,634,580 (4 plays)
High: 148,144,360

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 7,028,230
 Avg: 31,178,170 (5 plays)
High: 65,252,620


 Low: 1,086,140
 Avg: 2,319,560 (4 plays)
High: 5,769,290

 Low: 337,590
 Avg: 3,438,280 (9 plays)
High: 22,045,180

 Low: 863,530
 Avg: 1,051,960 (4 plays)
High: 1,156,000

No Plays

Big Game

 Low: 67,340
 Avg: 67,340 (1 play)
High: 67,340

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 109,120
 Avg: 109,120 (1 play)
High: 109,120

Black Knight SOR

 Low: 6,114,470
 Avg: 26,400,820 (6 plays)
High: 78,958,670

 Low: 6,814,260
 Avg: 53,188,180 (10 plays)
High: 190,060,760

 Low: 26,166,620
 Avg: 88,849,770 (6 plays)
High: 221,972,570

No Plays

Black Pyramid

 Low: 143,220
 Avg: 557,020 (6 plays)
High: 1,248,870

 Low: 214,150
 Avg: 396,270 (3 plays)
High: 586,310

No Plays

No Plays

Black Rose

 Low: 6,015,420
 Avg: 6,522,130 (2 plays)
High: 7,028,830

 Low: 2,528,770
 Avg: 6,269,980 (2 plays)
High: 10,011,190

No Plays

No Plays

Bond 60th

 Low: 2,102
 Avg: 4,780 (3 plays)
High: 7,011

 Low: 1,432
 Avg: 4,920 (5 plays)
High: 8,469

 Low: 1,760
 Avg: 5,060 (2 plays)
High: 8,367

 Low: 1,662
 Avg: 2,220 (4 plays)
High: 3,260

Cactus Canyon

 Low: 21,328,630
 Avg: 21,328,630 (1 play)
High: 21,328,630

 Low: 6,080,340
 Avg: 50,988,330 (4 plays)
High: 110,304,760

 Low: 7,021,590
 Avg: 17,829,820 (2 plays)
High: 28,638,040

No Plays


 Low: 56,470,190
 Avg: 83,302,130 (2 plays)
High: 110,134,070

 Low: 27,392,720
 Avg: 308,537,380 (3 plays)
High: 643,374,420

 Low: 146,123,330
 Avg: 310,619,990 (2 plays)
High: 475,116,640

No Plays


 Low: 43,481,630
 Avg: 239,551,580 (6 plays)
High: 489,235,160

 Low: 40,890,940
 Avg: 303,102,790 (6 plays)
High: 679,816,000

 Low: 44,829,450
 Avg: 172,790,930 (5 plays)
High: 395,880,900

 Low: 52,347,670
 Avg: 93,833,930 (2 plays)
High: 135,320,180

Creature from the Black Lagoon

 Low: 19,129,970
 Avg: 29,484,090 (6 plays)
High: 44,516,770

 Low: 16,256,810
 Avg: 70,270,860 (8 plays)
High: 140,194,350

 Low: 75,179,710
 Avg: 142,917,140 (3 plays)
High: 234,571,710

 Low: 5,740,860
 Avg: 21,696,620 (3 plays)
High: 33,455,880


 Low: 1,637,460
 Avg: 4,168,430 (7 plays)
High: 8,140,710

 Low: 1,006,480
 Avg: 6,027,210 (5 plays)
High: 13,571,920

 Low: 3,870,340
 Avg: 11,876,570 (3 plays)
High: 21,459,720

 Low: 2,616,940
 Avg: 3,340,010 (2 plays)
High: 4,063,070


 Low: 694,240
 Avg: 1,510,870 (2 plays)
High: 2,327,500

 Low: 223,170
 Avg: 728,710 (5 plays)
High: 1,743,640

 Low: 775,560
 Avg: 883,170 (3 plays)
High: 975,500

 Low: 356,230
 Avg: 372,710 (2 plays)
High: 389,180


 Low: 4,496,060
 Avg: 32,816,840 (5 plays)
High: 66,146,630

 Low: 9,945,220
 Avg: 135,556,990 (8 plays)
High: 348,086,630

 Low: 18,181,850
 Avg: 69,097,910 (3 plays)
High: 157,000,000

 Low: 3,397,090
 Avg: 8,106,620 (5 plays)
High: 9,780,120

Demolition Man

 Low: 60,381,320
 Avg: 161,670,980 (5 plays)
High: 280,819,490

 Low: 152,075,240
 Avg: 445,118,320 (3 plays)
High: 921,881,890

No Plays

No Plays

Dialed In

 Low: 46,120
 Avg: 104,300 (3 plays)
High: 179,090

 Low: 18,640
 Avg: 160,800 (11 plays)
High: 606,460

 Low: 75,360
 Avg: 324,000 (4 plays)
High: 624,300

 Low: 46,180
 Avg: 46,180 (1 play)
High: 46,180


No Plays

 Low: 1,365,800
 Avg: 1,630,570 (2 plays)
High: 1,895,330

No Plays

No Plays

Dirty Harry

 Low: 95,868,950
 Avg: 95,868,950 (1 play)
High: 95,868,950

 Low: 47,631,630
 Avg: 393,180,920 (8 plays)
High: 1,164,150,610

No Plays

No Plays

Doctor Who

No Plays

 Low: 9,037,060
 Avg: 29,506,460 (4 plays)
High: 61,736,630

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 4,411,220
 Avg: 34,399,640 (2 plays)
High: 64,388,060

 Low: 9,974,560
 Avg: 10,259,040 (2 plays)
High: 10,543,510

No Plays

No Plays

Earth Shaker

No Plays

 Low: 737,240
 Avg: 2,095,200 (8 plays)
High: 3,925,210

 Low: 917,070
 Avg: 1,391,840 (2 plays)
High: 1,866,610

 Low: 1,755,240
 Avg: 1,755,240 (1 play)
High: 1,755,240

Eight Ball Deluxe

 Low: 192,060
 Avg: 360,390 (5 plays)
High: 479,210

 Low: 348,270
 Avg: 441,020 (4 plays)
High: 606,770

 Low: 311,620
 Avg: 311,620 (1 play)
High: 311,620

No Plays

Elton John

 Low: 4,416,010
 Avg: 11,036,000 (4 plays)
High: 21,929,320

 Low: 12,761,720
 Avg: 20,595,590 (3 plays)
High: 25,973,150

 Low: 5,957,740
 Avg: 6,081,410 (2 plays)
High: 6,205,080

 Low: 2,358,210
 Avg: 2,358,210 (1 play)
High: 2,358,210

Elvira HOH

No Plays

 Low: 9,544,760
 Avg: 76,304,840 (5 plays)
High: 209,311,810

 Low: 32,120,130
 Avg: 95,231,620 (3 plays)
High: 207,000,000

No Plays


 Low: 3,558,790
 Avg: 3,558,790 (1 play)
High: 3,558,790

 Low: 7,119,080
 Avg: 11,026,630 (3 plays)
High: 16,005,990

 Low: 2,366,820
 Avg: 133,082,750 (2 plays)
High: 263,798,670

 Low: 4,879,200
 Avg: 18,036,640 (3 plays)
High: 29,325,440

Family Guy

 Low: 9,190,620
 Avg: 15,434,770 (4 plays)
High: 30,941,980

 Low: 27,181,080
 Avg: 30,162,980 (2 plays)
High: 33,144,880

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 1,857,710
 Avg: 1,857,710 (1 play)
High: 1,857,710

 Low: 461,170
 Avg: 618,510 (3 plays)
High: 800,090

 Low: 757,420
 Avg: 757,420 (1 play)
High: 757,420

 Low: 788,520
 Avg: 788,520 (1 play)
High: 788,520

Fish Tales

No Plays

 Low: 15,340,840
 Avg: 103,359,200 (9 plays)
High: 656,846,110

No Plays

No Plays

Foo Fighters

 Low: 2,721,470
 Avg: 8,116,990 (2 plays)
High: 13,512,510

 Low: 114,898,530
 Avg: 114,898,530 (1 play)
High: 114,898,530

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 268,750
 Avg: 437,740 (3 plays)
High: 546,000

 Low: 234,910
 Avg: 647,390 (3 plays)
High: 1,402,540

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 978,770
 Avg: 2,575,700 (5 plays)
High: 6,569,690

 Low: 914,570
 Avg: 4,171,650 (6 plays)
High: 13,158,250

 Low: 12,891,410
 Avg: 12,891,410 (1 play)
High: 12,891,410

No Plays

Game of Thrones

 Low: 9,236,170
 Avg: 22,947,730 (9 plays)
High: 70,321,150

 Low: 7,687,820
 Avg: 181,653,030 (7 plays)
High: 526,361,330

 Low: 4,912,300
 Avg: 74,372,200 (2 plays)
High: 143,832,090

 Low: 5,990,660
 Avg: 5,990,660 (1 play)
High: 5,990,660

Game Show

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 2,605,286
 Avg: 2,605,290 (1 play)
High: 2,605,286

 Low: 560,040
 Avg: 1,051,650 (2 plays)
High: 1,543,260

Ghost Busters

No Plays

 Low: 2,614,630
 Avg: 113,861,710 (4 plays)
High: 324,065,600

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 656,505
 Avg: 2,840,790 (4 plays)
High: 7,624,165

 Low: 1,776,700
 Avg: 5,495,500 (4 plays)
High: 9,405,379

No Plays

 Low: 944,440
 Avg: 4,308,660 (5 plays)
High: 13,266,816


 Low: 61,917,410
 Avg: 115,774,070 (2 plays)
High: 169,630,720

 Low: 16,732,200
 Avg: 67,014,720 (6 plays)
High: 158,320,130

 Low: 10,313,530
 Avg: 55,904,290 (8 plays)
High: 198,481,940

 Low: 30,849,070
 Avg: 30,849,070 (1 play)
High: 30,849,070

Guardians of the Galaxy

 Low: 43,600,670
 Avg: 91,085,900 (3 plays)
High: 138,146,650

 Low: 66,867,380
 Avg: 66,867,380 (1 play)
High: 66,867,380

No Plays

No Plays

Guns N Roses

No Plays

 Low: 191,018
 Avg: 416,930 (2 plays)
High: 642,834

 Low: 405,046
 Avg: 496,250 (2 plays)
High: 587,451

No Plays

Harlem Globetrotters

 Low: 31,100
 Avg: 56,030 (4 plays)
High: 95,140

 Low: 50,100
 Avg: 156,920 (3 plays)
High: 219,240

 Low: 38,640
 Avg: 126,330 (2 plays)
High: 214,020

 Low: 71,170
 Avg: 71,170 (1 play)
High: 71,170

Harley Davidson

 Low: 1,222,430
 Avg: 1,222,430 (1 play)
High: 1,222,430

 Low: 490,190
 Avg: 490,190 (1 play)
High: 490,190

No Plays

 Low: 908,460
 Avg: 908,460 (1 play)
High: 908,460

High Speed II: Getaway

 Low: 18,080,730
 Avg: 29,851,700 (2 plays)
High: 41,622,660

 Low: 37,475,100
 Avg: 49,226,330 (2 plays)
High: 60,977,550

 Low: 15,163,970
 Avg: 29,256,530 (2 plays)
High: 43,349,090

No Plays

Hot Wheels

No Plays

 Low: 20,766,960
 Avg: 43,974,070 (6 plays)
High: 90,119,510

 Low: 3,333,060
 Avg: 49,483,510 (6 plays)
High: 131,937,670

No Plays

Hulk LE

 Low: 3,083,780
 Avg: 4,303,320 (2 plays)
High: 5,522,860

 Low: 19,467,660
 Avg: 19,467,660 (1 play)
High: 19,467,660

 Low: 10,616,910
 Avg: 10,616,910 (1 play)
High: 10,616,910

No Plays

Indiana Jones

 Low: 51,015,650
 Avg: 62,984,210 (2 plays)
High: 74,952,760

 Low: 24,252,100
 Avg: 71,521,220 (5 plays)
High: 147,116,180

No Plays

No Plays

indy 500

 Low: 78,532,650
 Avg: 142,836,340 (2 plays)
High: 207,140,030

 Low: 65,122,550
 Avg: 216,451,250 (5 plays)
High: 458,200,870

No Plays

 Low: 64,921,900
 Avg: 64,921,900 (1 play)
High: 64,921,900

Iron Maiden

 Low: 5,923,940
 Avg: 10,762,640 (3 plays)
High: 16,364,640

 Low: 23,868,960
 Avg: 115,637,680 (5 plays)
High: 257,829,630

No Plays

 Low: 2,368,280
 Avg: 15,396,170 (6 plays)
High: 34,227,120


 Low: 3,139,870
 Avg: 7,560,620 (6 plays)
High: 13,547,080

 Low: 2,050,140
 Avg: 3,953,330 (7 plays)
High: 6,411,460

 Low: 14,292,780
 Avg: 18,898,170 (2 plays)
High: 23,503,560

 Low: 1,589,330
 Avg: 3,610,660 (4 plays)
High: 5,138,760


 Low: 283,822,500
 Avg: 1,583,347,230 (2 plays)
High: 2,882,871,950

 Low: 2,053,260,610
 Avg: 2,053,260,610 (1 play)
High: 2,053,260,610

 Low: 278,622,460
 Avg: 278,622,460 (1 play)
High: 278,622,460

 Low: 206,843,750
 Avg: 376,958,950 (2 plays)
High: 547,074,140

James Bond Premium

 Low: 17,995,960
 Avg: 67,359,780 (6 plays)
High: 189,868,800

 Low: 24,287,010
 Avg: 40,322,160 (3 plays)
High: 54,972,580

 Low: 7,312,290
 Avg: 26,233,770 (3 plays)
High: 41,686,650

 Low: 22,824,930
 Avg: 32,233,500 (3 plays)
High: 39,165,350

Jaws LE

 Low: 26,778,110
 Avg: 53,542,200 (5 plays)
High: 82,733,200

 Low: 65,567,530
 Avg: 153,288,290 (5 plays)
High: 271,769,800

 Low: 56,758,260
 Avg: 109,918,020 (4 plays)
High: 172,322,110

 Low: 28,577,280
 Avg: 84,191,960 (10 plays)
High: 212,312,310

JJP Pirates

No Plays

 Low: 39,238
 Avg: 43,390 (3 plays)
High: 49,171

 Low: 14,011
 Avg: 14,010 (1 play)
High: 14,011

No Plays

John Wick LE

 Low: 19,552,770
 Avg: 19,552,770 (1 play)
High: 19,552,770

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Johnny Mnemonic

 Low: 757,080,850
 Avg: 1,025,976,600 (2 plays)
High: 1,294,872,350

 Low: 615,224,830
 Avg: 724,239,570 (2 plays)
High: 833,254,300

 Low: 362,806,840
 Avg: 986,524,360 (3 plays)
High: 1,309,000,000

 Low: 119,136,070
 Avg: 442,453,980 (2 plays)
High: 765,771,880


 Low: 1,943,440
 Avg: 2,825,120 (3 plays)
High: 3,691,760

 Low: 13,092,930
 Avg: 13,092,930 (1 play)
High: 13,092,930

 Low: 5,092,220
 Avg: 6,065,110 (2 plays)
High: 7,038,000

 Low: 981,690
 Avg: 981,690 (1 play)
High: 981,690

Jurassic Park Stern

 Low: 5,727,280
 Avg: 5,727,280 (1 play)
High: 5,727,280

 Low: 14,121,830
 Avg: 42,394,170 (9 plays)
High: 95,926,780

 Low: 7,943,280
 Avg: 40,118,510 (4 plays)
High: 86,267,720

No Plays


 Low: 5,055,880
 Avg: 23,384,360 (5 plays)
High: 62,857,900

 Low: 4,418,310
 Avg: 38,461,250 (8 plays)
High: 91,008,200

 Low: 11,079,060
 Avg: 33,622,690 (4 plays)
High: 86,362,430

No Plays

Led Zepplin

 Low: 2,763,870
 Avg: 10,313,550 (3 plays)
High: 25,016,980

 Low: 18,407,890
 Avg: 73,807,770 (5 plays)
High: 205,162,770

 Low: 5,640,060
 Avg: 27,122,710 (6 plays)
High: 56,049,650

 Low: 5,418,700
 Avg: 7,743,640 (2 plays)
High: 10,068,580


 Low: 4,223,580
 Avg: 17,978,920 (3 plays)
High: 29,665,540

 Low: 609,980
 Avg: 30,197,060 (7 plays)
High: 69,401,170

 Low: 2,883,280
 Avg: 50,103,200 (7 plays)
High: 187,932,840

 Low: 3,647,090
 Avg: 15,492,700 (4 plays)
High: 40,889,720

Medieval Madness

No Plays

 Low: 4,301,170
 Avg: 4,488,470 (2 plays)
High: 4,675,770

 Low: 10,000,000
 Avg: 38,320,270 (3 plays)
High: 62,675,150

No Plays


 Low: 3,949,940
 Avg: 21,830,050 (2 plays)
High: 39,710,150

 Low: 2,083,820
 Avg: 39,732,580 (7 plays)
High: 153,455,330

 Low: 2,674,630
 Avg: 16,235,840 (4 plays)
High: 47,625,430

No Plays


 Low: 81,000
 Avg: 131,240 (3 plays)
High: 202,860

 Low: 125,770
 Avg: 125,770 (1 play)
High: 125,770

No Plays

No Plays

Monster Bash

 Low: 3,149,940
 Avg: 8,767,300 (4 plays)
High: 19,195,400

 Low: 6,696,020
 Avg: 51,954,780 (8 plays)
High: 211,860,320

No Plays

 Low: 1,627,820
 Avg: 1,627,820 (1 play)
High: 1,627,820


No Plays

 Low: 3,073,900
 Avg: 11,020,770 (4 plays)
High: 20,669,840

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 16,553,620
 Avg: 42,647,030 (7 plays)
High: 68,737,900

 Low: 20,226,840
 Avg: 35,573,280 (6 plays)
High: 75,659,840

No Plays

 Low: 19,748,310
 Avg: 19,748,310 (1 play)
High: 19,748,310

NBA Fast Break

 Low: 23
 Avg: 36 (2 plays)
High: 48

 Low: 26
 Avg: 53 (3 plays)
High: 105

No Plays

 Low: 15
 Avg: 22 (4 plays)
High: 28

No Fear

 Low: 417,877,300
 Avg: 417,877,300 (1 play)
High: 417,877,300

 Low: 6,282,680
 Avg: 472,517,660 (7 plays)
High: 1,119,816,870

 Low: 104,200,950
 Avg: 456,603,310 (4 plays)
High: 1,163,619,020

 Low: 213,870,950
 Avg: 307,160,390 (4 plays)
High: 377,878,220

No Good Golphers

 Low: 2,351,120
 Avg: 2,351,120 (1 play)
High: 2,351,120

 Low: 1,700,950
 Avg: 6,924,370 (3 plays)
High: 16,312,150

No Plays

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 42,951
 Avg: 42,950 (1 play)
High: 42,951

No Plays

No Plays

Pirates of the Carribean

 Low: 53,968,850
 Avg: 53,968,850 (1 play)
High: 53,968,850

 Low: 35,742
 Avg: 35,740 (1 play)
High: 35,742

No Plays

 Low: 4,003,970
 Avg: 18,645,070 (2 plays)
High: 33,286,177

Pulp Fiction

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 239,320
 Avg: 387,250 (3 plays)
High: 503,590

 Low: 88,630
 Avg: 88,630 (1 play)
High: 88,630

Road Show

 Low: 103,833,400
 Avg: 114,050,960 (2 plays)
High: 124,268,520

 Low: 83,174,310
 Avg: 105,120,210 (2 plays)
High: 127,066,100

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 15,333,540
 Avg: 56,981,530 (12 plays)
High: 221,450,830

 Low: 6,253,690
 Avg: 35,919,550 (11 plays)
High: 166,795,520

 Low: 11,886,210
 Avg: 66,543,140 (6 plays)
High: 284,798,510

 Low: 10,637,470
 Avg: 37,202,610 (3 plays)
High: 87,530,960

Scared Stiff

No Plays

 Low: 1,435,370
 Avg: 1,435,370 (1 play)
High: 1,435,370

No Plays

No Plays

Simpson Pinball Party

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 7,696,840
 Avg: 7,696,840 (1 play)
High: 7,696,840

 Low: 217,332
 Avg: 502,230 (2 plays)
High: 787,130


 Low: 543,460
 Avg: 759,670 (2 plays)
High: 975,870

 Low: 139,330
 Avg: 139,330 (1 play)
High: 139,330

 Low: 103,400
 Avg: 103,400 (1 play)
High: 103,400

 Low: 132,750
 Avg: 132,750 (1 play)
High: 132,750


 Low: 3,446,780
 Avg: 39,458,570 (8 plays)
High: 84,272,900

 Low: 6,253,920
 Avg: 25,203,390 (6 plays)
High: 52,449,740

 Low: 9,455,610
 Avg: 21,005,960 (2 plays)
High: 32,556,300

 Low: 2,862,720
 Avg: 12,399,090 (2 plays)
High: 21,935,450

Star Gazer

 Low: 202,400
 Avg: 202,400 (1 play)
High: 202,400

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Star Trek Next Generation

 Low: 183,487,810
 Avg: 183,487,810 (1 play)
High: 183,487,810

 Low: 80,194,170
 Avg: 183,925,810 (3 plays)
High: 330,972,120

 Low: 71,349,080
 Avg: 157,264,090 (2 plays)
High: 243,179,090

No Plays

Star Wars Data East

 Low: 63,482,930
 Avg: 63,482,930 (1 play)
High: 63,482,930

No Plays

 Low: 76,908,150
 Avg: 76,908,150 (1 play)
High: 76,908,150

 Low: 110,092,680
 Avg: 110,092,680 (1 play)
High: 110,092,680

Star Wars Stern

 Low: 17,875,690
 Avg: 360,014,210 (3 plays)
High: 807,141,670

 Low: 26,093,400
 Avg: 213,382,500 (8 plays)
High: 646,554,000

 Low: 221,257,150
 Avg: 301,900,510 (3 plays)
High: 460,713,450

No Plays

Stranger Things

 Low: 14,865,420
 Avg: 23,294,970 (3 plays)
High: 31,260,790

 Low: 30,817,200
 Avg: 69,590,740 (9 plays)
High: 135,683,090

 Low: 41,189,480
 Avg: 79,986,390 (3 plays)
High: 129,240,230

No Plays

Tales of the Arabian Nights

 Low: 822,360
 Avg: 1,401,570 (3 plays)
High: 1,783,840

 Low: 3,922,130
 Avg: 3,922,130 (1 play)
High: 3,922,130

 Low: 2,525,010
 Avg: 7,668,810 (3 plays)
High: 16,861,730

 Low: 1,519,560
 Avg: 1,946,970 (2 plays)
High: 2,374,380


 Low: 391,090
 Avg: 907,160 (7 plays)
High: 1,473,370

 Low: 102,450
 Avg: 943,740 (12 plays)
High: 3,212,810

 Low: 285,000
 Avg: 1,343,080 (7 plays)
High: 4,362,460

 Low: 276,920
 Avg: 680,770 (3 plays)
High: 898,460

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

 Low: 1,043,590
 Avg: 4,572,530 (3 plays)
High: 8,329,000

 Low: 2,498,620
 Avg: 4,436,810 (2 plays)
High: 6,375,000

 Low: 2,429,690
 Avg: 2,429,690 (1 play)
High: 2,429,690

No Plays

Terminator 2

 Low: 3,921,860
 Avg: 3,921,860 (1 play)
High: 3,921,860

 Low: 8,111,690
 Avg: 20,305,020 (5 plays)
High: 54,199,930

No Plays

No Plays

Terminator 3

 Low: 15,253,730
 Avg: 15,253,730 (1 play)
High: 15,253,730

 Low: 12,477,050
 Avg: 22,383,570 (2 plays)
High: 32,290,090

 Low: 8,093,000
 Avg: 37,949,860 (3 plays)
High: 81,591,870

 Low: 7,786,950
 Avg: 7,786,950 (1 play)
High: 7,786,950

Theatre of Magic

 Low: 64,125,670
 Avg: 250,434,550 (5 plays)
High: 508,805,370

 Low: 81,650,070
 Avg: 344,746,320 (6 plays)
High: 622,063,190

 Low: 84,678,320
 Avg: 117,724,660 (2 plays)
High: 150,771,000

No Plays

Total Nuclear

 Low: 815,271
 Avg: 815,270 (1 play)
High: 815,271

 Low: 216,730
 Avg: 420,530 (5 plays)
High: 839,031

No Plays

No Plays

Toy story

 Low: 77,730
 Avg: 602,820 (5 plays)
High: 1,845,450

 Low: 52,770
 Avg: 1,362,950 (6 plays)
High: 4,979,020

No Plays

No Plays

Transformers LE

No Plays

 Low: 7,606,540
 Avg: 8,661,310 (2 plays)
High: 9,716,080

 Low: 8,127,300
 Avg: 8,127,300 (1 play)
High: 8,127,300

No Plays


 Low: 1,931,420
 Avg: 3,706,520 (2 plays)
High: 5,481,610

 Low: 4,687,520
 Avg: 8,537,620 (4 plays)
High: 11,440,850

No Plays

No Plays

Twilight Zone

 Low: 72,323,300
 Avg: 95,222,700 (2 plays)
High: 118,122,100

 Low: 5,755,140
 Avg: 39,443,850 (3 plays)
High: 79,661,000

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 59,441,790
 Avg: 59,441,790 (1 play)
High: 59,441,790

 Low: 73,124,280
 Avg: 73,124,280 (1 play)
High: 73,124,280

 Low: 90,192,540
 Avg: 90,192,540 (1 play)
High: 90,192,540

 Low: 32,262
 Avg: 19,476,900 (3 plays)
High: 41,146,840

Walking Dead

 Low: 5,857,920
 Avg: 20,130,450 (4 plays)
High: 34,938,110

 Low: 5,308,720
 Avg: 20,464,350 (14 plays)
High: 75,220,930

 Low: 7,977,400
 Avg: 45,558,900 (11 plays)
High: 99,531,940

 Low: 5,629,670
 Avg: 13,264,380 (8 plays)
High: 24,016,540


 Low: 1,019,600
 Avg: 3,953,110 (5 plays)
High: 7,835,940

 Low: 2,282,900
 Avg: 3,637,970 (3 plays)
High: 5,424,130

 Low: 3,358,720
 Avg: 5,115,780 (2 plays)
High: 6,872,840

No Plays


 Low: 11,186,100
 Avg: 21,033,200 (4 plays)
High: 31,950,580

 Low: 7,541,210
 Avg: 17,540,760 (5 plays)
High: 36,645,360

 Low: 6,872,840
 Avg: 33,225,610 (5 plays)
High: 68,382,990

No Plays

willy wonka

 Low: 78,670
 Avg: 426,330 (3 plays)
High: 774,050

 Low: 26,960
 Avg: 91,590 (6 plays)
High: 196,500

No Plays

 Low: 38,420
 Avg: 38,420 (1 play)
High: 38,420

Wizard of Oz

 Low: 6,462
 Avg: 12,550 (2 plays)
High: 18,637

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

World Cup Soccer

No Plays

 Low: 13,075,980
 Avg: 224,543,050 (2 plays)
High: 436,010,120

 Low: 3,287,710
 Avg: 240,633,140 (7 plays)
High: 513,000,000

No Plays

Playoff Game Selection Rules