St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing lifetime stats - click for season stats)

  Brad Eyler Marshall Wills Matthew Marisa Craig Rich Sullivan

 Low: 1,251,200
 Avg: 16,880,220 (12 plays)
High: 58,303,770

 Low: 1,192,800
 Avg: 4,121,450 (2 plays)
High: 7,050,090

 Low: 6,416,130
 Avg: 11,531,350 (4 plays)
High: 21,203,120

 Low: 1,685,520
 Avg: 6,645,060 (7 plays)
High: 20,303,440

Avengers Infinity Quest LE

 Low: 4,117,530
 Avg: 58,320,140 (21 plays)
High: 169,208,940

 Low: 37,469,820
 Avg: 76,656,170 (2 plays)
High: 115,842,520

 Low: 5,781,470
 Avg: 11,586,740 (4 plays)
High: 21,504,790

 Low: 4,820,100
 Avg: 10,232,240 (10 plays)
High: 17,703,560

Batman 66

 Low: 16,470,000
 Avg: 21,359,310 (3 plays)
High: 25,216,110

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Black Knight: Sword of Rage LE

 Low: 6,197,900
 Avg: 57,181,740 (18 plays)
High: 202,265,980

 Low: 2,225,760
 Avg: 31,527,160 (6 plays)
High: 112,895,360

 Low: 6,546,460
 Avg: 55,844,620 (8 plays)
High: 188,373,610

 Low: 1,425,340
 Avg: 42,772,860 (11 plays)
High: 237,800,580

Bond 007 LE

 Low: 1,999,720
 Avg: 74,207,410 (17 plays)
High: 407,579,190

 Low: 42,131,230
 Avg: 88,090,990 (3 plays)
High: 129,744,910

 Low: 6,806,940
 Avg: 148,550,320 (10 plays)
High: 417,194,270

 Low: 1,820,830
 Avg: 18,166,090 (10 plays)
High: 58,815,620


 Low: 20,102,250
 Avg: 66,093,720 (9 plays)
High: 228,879,350

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 12,854,830
 Avg: 24,702,260 (3 plays)
High: 43,623,180

Elvira House of Horrors premium

 Low: 3,353,000
 Avg: 23,730,850 (13 plays)
High: 62,584,700

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,927,550
 Avg: 10,089,570 (2 plays)
High: 14,251,580

Fathom ME

 Low: 116,950
 Avg: 11,822,530 (5 plays)
High: 57,837,860

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 64,270
 Avg: 273,360 (3 plays)
High: 380,740

Foo Fighters LE

 Low: 11,706,870
 Avg: 85,744,520 (13 plays)
High: 282,354,700

 Low: 9,176,800
 Avg: 50,369,150 (4 plays)
High: 132,880,090

 Low: 5,653,830
 Avg: 170,643,410 (9 plays)
High: 551,783,320

 Low: 3,632,950
 Avg: 40,584,140 (15 plays)
High: 120,519,930

Game of Thrones LE

 Low: 8,941,270
 Avg: 135,307,650 (18 plays)
High: 578,088,330

 Low: 8,437,120
 Avg: 25,005,330 (3 plays)
High: 49,598,240

 Low: 28,752,660
 Avg: 129,122,250 (3 plays)
High: 287,109,720

 Low: 5,920,400
 Avg: 19,423,740 (8 plays)
High: 50,634,900

Godzilla LE

 Low: 6,463,280
 Avg: 73,135,130 (23 plays)
High: 349,802,260

 Low: 9,038,930
 Avg: 48,137,010 (5 plays)
High: 103,303,440

 Low: 69,390,818
 Avg: 89,041,940 (5 plays)
High: 129,649,150

 Low: 13,202,060
 Avg: 51,621,840 (13 plays)
High: 143,895,010

Guardians of the Galaxy

 Low: 63,540,900
 Avg: 103,323,790 (4 plays)
High: 149,228,170

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Halloween CE

 Low: 1,086,570
 Avg: 13,549,800 (3 plays)
High: 28,112,310

 Low: 2,405,890
 Avg: 5,404,630 (2 plays)
High: 8,403,370

No Plays

 Low: 10,133,830
 Avg: 10,133,830 (1 play)
High: 10,133,830

jaws pro

 Low: 27,005,950
 Avg: 103,889,210 (11 plays)
High: 203,852,280

 Low: 32,920,220
 Avg: 106,241,410 (2 plays)
High: 179,562,600

 Low: 24,369,600
 Avg: 130,232,550 (11 plays)
High: 361,348,180

 Low: 19,488,280
 Avg: 45,695,530 (12 plays)
High: 96,987,350

Jurassic Park premium

 Low: 18,496,210
 Avg: 44,734,740 (6 plays)
High: 84,272,590

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Mandalorian LE

 Low: 9,177,660
 Avg: 73,066,040 (16 plays)
High: 150,383,150

 Low: 3,773,750
 Avg: 45,589,060 (3 plays)
High: 75,992,660

 Low: 15,701,740
 Avg: 38,261,320 (6 plays)
High: 81,335,880

 Low: 114,890
 Avg: 23,226,620 (16 plays)
High: 78,630,270

Munsters LE

 Low: 183,560
 Avg: 18,759,000 (23 plays)
High: 69,236,140

 Low: 1,973,110
 Avg: 15,808,970 (4 plays)
High: 38,744,810

 Low: 566,350
 Avg: 14,122,810 (4 plays)
High: 48,765,450

 Low: 329,100
 Avg: 5,120,170 (13 plays)
High: 13,010,820

Rush LE

 Low: 3,316,160
 Avg: 53,287,480 (19 plays)
High: 159,138,590

 Low: 19,743,970
 Avg: 26,336,720 (2 plays)
High: 32,929,470

 Low: 7,752,570
 Avg: 86,259,970 (7 plays)
High: 160,280,930

 Low: 283,060
 Avg: 34,111,050 (12 plays)
High: 164,907,140

Scooby Doo CE

 Low: 5,000,320
 Avg: 16,568,760 (3 plays)
High: 22,370,620

 Low: 4,743,410
 Avg: 4,743,410 (1 play)
High: 4,743,410

 Low: 4,600,210
 Avg: 14,824,910 (3 plays)
High: 33,298,810

 Low: 1,841,200
 Avg: 4,392,350 (3 plays)
High: 5,701,820

Stranger Things

 Low: 35,616,780
 Avg: 85,060,740 (10 plays)
High: 209,287,720

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 21,613,120
 Avg: 77,154,710 (5 plays)
High: 112,576,880

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LE

 Low: 267,790
 Avg: 12,181,190 (17 plays)
High: 54,841,530

 Low: 49,600
 Avg: 49,600 (1 play)
High: 49,600

 Low: 472,990
 Avg: 12,126,510 (6 plays)
High: 28,788,830

 Low: 1,726,560
 Avg: 4,995,680 (8 plays)
High: 10,641,330

Playoff Game Selection Rules