St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing lifetime stats - click for season stats)

  Grace Mehan Jeff Slane Marshall Wills Matthew Marisa Craig

 Low: 293,529
 Avg: 5,172,410 (9 plays)
High: 12,139,240

 Low: 4,229,740
 Avg: 4,229,740 (1 play)
High: 4,229,740

 Low: 1,192,800
 Avg: 4,121,450 (2 plays)
High: 7,050,090

 Low: 6,416,130
 Avg: 11,531,350 (4 plays)
High: 21,203,120

Avengers Infinity Quest LE

 Low: 586,470
 Avg: 9,365,620 (12 plays)
High: 29,902,730

 Low: 1,542,870
 Avg: 1,542,870 (1 play)
High: 1,542,870

 Low: 37,469,820
 Avg: 76,656,170 (2 plays)
High: 115,842,520

 Low: 5,781,470
 Avg: 11,586,740 (4 plays)
High: 21,504,790

Batman 66

 Low: 8,824,630
 Avg: 30,386,860 (3 plays)
High: 72,607,170

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Black Knight: Sword of Rage LE

 Low: 1,277,120
 Avg: 10,437,560 (15 plays)
High: 64,377,040

 Low: 1,149,260
 Avg: 10,160,110 (3 plays)
High: 27,368,560

 Low: 2,225,760
 Avg: 31,527,160 (6 plays)
High: 112,895,360

 Low: 6,546,460
 Avg: 55,844,620 (8 plays)
High: 188,373,610

Bond 007 LE

 Low: 1,831,180
 Avg: 13,258,670 (7 plays)
High: 37,870,400

 Low: 17,475,740
 Avg: 26,174,380 (2 plays)
High: 34,873,020

 Low: 42,131,230
 Avg: 88,090,990 (3 plays)
High: 129,744,910

 Low: 6,806,940
 Avg: 148,550,320 (10 plays)
High: 417,194,270


 Low: 4,766,470
 Avg: 20,157,860 (3 plays)
High: 45,118,370

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Elvira House of Horrors premium

 Low: 2,291,310
 Avg: 2,291,310 (1 play)
High: 2,291,310

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Fathom ME

 Low: 46,738
 Avg: 163,540 (8 plays)
High: 258,770

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Foo Fighters LE

 Low: 2,655,350
 Avg: 16,449,240 (12 plays)
High: 56,912,210

 Low: 2,497,380
 Avg: 5,563,540 (3 plays)
High: 9,580,400

 Low: 9,176,800
 Avg: 50,369,150 (4 plays)
High: 132,880,090

 Low: 5,653,830
 Avg: 170,643,410 (9 plays)
High: 551,783,320

Game of Thrones LE

 Low: 4,488,310
 Avg: 37,797,540 (9 plays)
High: 148,831,130

 Low: 7,817,168
 Avg: 9,819,410 (2 plays)
High: 11,821,660

 Low: 8,437,120
 Avg: 25,005,330 (3 plays)
High: 49,598,240

 Low: 28,752,660
 Avg: 129,122,250 (3 plays)
High: 287,109,720

Godzilla LE

 Low: 10,263,380
 Avg: 25,524,900 (13 plays)
High: 86,873,840

 Low: 7,004,880
 Avg: 7,004,880 (1 play)
High: 7,004,880

 Low: 9,038,930
 Avg: 48,137,010 (5 plays)
High: 103,303,440

 Low: 69,390,818
 Avg: 89,041,940 (5 plays)
High: 129,649,150

Guardians of the Galaxy

 Low: 14,626,480
 Avg: 14,874,310 (2 plays)
High: 15,122,130

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Halloween CE

 Low: 3,215,540
 Avg: 3,215,540 (1 play)
High: 3,215,540

 Low: 1,496,660
 Avg: 2,690,370 (2 plays)
High: 3,884,070

 Low: 2,405,890
 Avg: 5,404,630 (2 plays)
High: 8,403,370

No Plays

jaws pro

 Low: 11,455,590
 Avg: 30,167,720 (14 plays)
High: 57,492,240

 Low: 21,213,630
 Avg: 30,898,720 (3 plays)
High: 44,816,580

 Low: 32,920,220
 Avg: 106,241,410 (2 plays)
High: 179,562,600

 Low: 24,369,600
 Avg: 130,232,550 (11 plays)
High: 361,348,180

Jurassic Park premium

 Low: 9,208,980
 Avg: 17,729,400 (3 plays)
High: 30,241,350

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Mandalorian LE

 Low: 3,504,660
 Avg: 19,304,740 (16 plays)
High: 94,627,960

 Low: 4,151,130
 Avg: 11,065,500 (3 plays)
High: 24,423,350

 Low: 3,773,750
 Avg: 45,589,060 (3 plays)
High: 75,992,660

 Low: 15,701,740
 Avg: 38,261,320 (6 plays)
High: 81,335,880

Munsters LE

 Low: 438,000
 Avg: 3,166,470 (10 plays)
High: 7,181,810

 Low: 565,580
 Avg: 1,319,500 (5 plays)
High: 2,493,490

 Low: 1,973,110
 Avg: 15,808,970 (4 plays)
High: 38,744,810

 Low: 566,350
 Avg: 14,122,810 (4 plays)
High: 48,765,450

Rush LE

 Low: 1,441,490
 Avg: 13,282,480 (12 plays)
High: 42,909,180

 Low: 20,035,980
 Avg: 20,035,980 (1 play)
High: 20,035,980

 Low: 19,743,970
 Avg: 26,336,720 (2 plays)
High: 32,929,470

 Low: 7,752,570
 Avg: 86,259,970 (7 plays)
High: 160,280,930

Scooby Doo CE

 Low: 57,800
 Avg: 1,730,490 (10 plays)
High: 6,563,520

No Plays

 Low: 4,743,410
 Avg: 4,743,410 (1 play)
High: 4,743,410

 Low: 4,600,210
 Avg: 14,824,910 (3 plays)
High: 33,298,810

Stranger Things

 Low: 23,987,420
 Avg: 52,890,290 (3 plays)
High: 74,492,990

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LE

 Low: 26,150
 Avg: 2,092,010 (15 plays)
High: 13,142,770

 Low: 77,570
 Avg: 77,570 (1 play)
High: 77,570

 Low: 49,600
 Avg: 49,600 (1 play)
High: 49,600

 Low: 472,990
 Avg: 12,126,510 (6 plays)
High: 28,788,830

Playoff Game Selection Rules