St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Atomic Pinball

Active from 05/01/2024 through 09/18/2024.

Played 2 seasons, 11 meets, 44 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Corvette 130,097,690 189,851,590 70,343,780 2
Creature from the Black Lagoon 38,455,920 80,405,980 16,832,170 3
Elton John 32,282,050 32,282,050 32,282,050 1
Fish Tales 151,220,050 151,220,050 151,220,050 1
Godfather 5,204,780 11,924,909 908,795 3
Harlem Globetrotters 124,600 129,060 120,130 2
James Bond Premium 24,637,850 52,672,450 2,531,670 5
Jaws LE 89,890,440 180,819,250 34,222,580 5
Johnny Mnemonic 835,923,430 1,428,984,720 221,183,240 3
Led Zepplin 5,338,510 9,547,330 2,186,880 4
Mandalorian 3,973,060 7,330,190 831,670 3
Metallica 2,526,070 2,526,070 2,526,070 1
No Fear 303,736,420 632,936,900 83,165,000 3
Pulp Fiction 97,030 135,540 58,510 2
Taxi 1,894,600 1,894,600 1,894,600 1
Walking Dead 33,685,050 92,052,530 6,467,190 4
Whitewater 5,025,690 5,025,690 5,025,690 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Charles Coffell3537.50%
Charles Schwaab1325.00%
Cooper Mcgillis2250.00%
Darrin Bosco040.00%
Gary Vollmer1325.00%
James Townsend2250.00%
Jason Ebenrick2625.00%
Jeremy Page40100.00%
Joe Peterson 3175.00%
Kathy Midkiff61037.50%
Kevin Kolkmeyer5741.67%
Lars Hagen1325.00%
Mallory Herzog2250.00%
Matt Reck2250.00%
Nani Hund3175.00%
Sandy Basinger8466.67%
Shawna Baumgartner40100.00%
Tim Zollner1325.00%
Tyler Hund1325.00%
Wendy Krause4450.00%
Whitney Arpasi3925.00%