St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP - Benton Parkade

Active from 05/30/2022 through 02/14/2025.

Played 14 seasons, 81 meets, 324 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
ACDC 42,567,100 254,120,690 3,099,310 22
Attack From Mars 1,797,374,580 5,451,623,500 272,726,630 25
Black Knight Pro 101,654,610 425,531,760 10,760,330 10
Bond Premium 141,436,570 425,158,850 13,455,370 4
Bronco 40,009,000 188,210,630 36,910 31
Cactus Canyon 299,330 299,330 299,330 1
Deadpool 77,281,190 134,122,960 20,439,420 2
Ghostbusters Premium 98,892,530 445,559,960 6,420,610 14
Godzilla Premium 101,918,110 345,704,260 10,107,860 32
Guardians of the Galaxy 7,044,650 12,184,460 2,114,310 5
Jaws 8,209,430 29,575,410 1,816,860 33
Jurassic Park Premium 65,714,240 164,165,310 7,526,600 22
Metallica Remaster 131,385,620 131,385,620 131,385,620 1
Meteor 33,124,280 172,992,330 1,587,010 38
Monster Bash 38,555,930 146,285,360 3,773,380 8
Pulp Fiction 26,988,750 79,161,460 6,474,870 4
Space Station 1,649,980 2,253,230 1,046,720 2
Stranger Things 27,999,120 188,131,680 4,305,720 22
The Addams Family 36,821,560 95,949,880 2,023,350 19
The Mandalorian 9,050,090 33,176,030 1,107,200 19
X-MEN 11,272,330 11,280,820 11,263,840 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Abigail Paras2250.00%
Alex Orear151353.57%
Aman Boyd3175.00%
Andrew Mills191359.38%
Andy Jones3175.00%
Andy Sistek40100.00%
Annika Eckenrode40100.00%
Aurora Bihler261465.00%
Brad Steinmeyer181850.00%
Brennan Bukaty301468.18%
Brennan Sullivan102627.78%
Carleton Plourde2250.00%
Carlin Reed1325.00%
Chris Tilley40100.00%
Chris Ward152141.67%
Christian Monroy40100.00%
Dan Sexauer040.00%
Dustin Howell2250.00%
Eric Beckert343053.13%
Haley Huber4450.00%
Heather Brown10283.33%
Isabelle Seppa80100.00%
Jacob Fischer2250.00%
Jamie Posnansky3175.00%
Jim Cook152537.50%
John McGarry40100.00%
John Moenster11568.75%
Johnny Lazar6275.00%
JoJo Moomaw6275.00%
Jose Dominguez Jr11568.75%
Katie Wibbenmeyer3175.00%
Kendell Holder72125.00%
Kevin Clark9375.00%
Kevin Yin10662.50%
Kris Lane171947.22%
Ky Hunt164825.00%
Linhphi Buipham80100.00%
Marisa Goldberger80100.00%
Matt Worby40100.00%
Maxine Taylor40100.00%
Meghan Buttry3175.00%
Mike Howard84016.67%
Molly Matejcic13381.25%
Rochelle Balentine3175.00%
Ryan Werner151746.88%
Ryan Willenbrock9375.00%
Sam Trakas61037.50%
Scott Lee183037.50%
Steve Rolsing3925.00%
Tom Cocivera5362.50%
Tyler Hund2250.00%
William Oetting4450.00%

SLAP-Murphy's On 21

Active from 04/06/2023 through 05/16/2024.

Played 5 seasons, 44 meets, 176 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC Pro 14,420,990 26,361,540 5,925,420 12
Attack From Mars CE 1,342,042,540 4,527,109,500 117,919,140 14
Avengers Infinity Quest 68,605,310 232,434,250 9,430,180 15
Bond Dr No 135,484,900 405,281,600 23,791,740 12
Deadpool Pro 95,187,910 165,916,540 17,179,200 11
Foo Fighters 73,466,500 235,866,020 7,621,970 14
Ghostbusters Pro 166,928,910 885,396,820 7,835,800 9
Godzilla Pro 104,096,140 226,772,920 29,120,180 16
Iron Maiden Pro 97,559,980 282,179,510 10,612,720 10
Jaws 74,080,970 146,477,700 33,996,380 4
Judge Dredd 150,556,380 316,370,420 21,971,000 12
Jurassic Park Pro 41,401,930 103,305,790 8,219,250 12
Star Trek Pro 67,319,320 154,568,940 6,184,000 12
Stranger Things Pro 80,053,870 175,973,220 23,570,870 11
Venom 213,175,830 644,562,380 14,019,600 6

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Ace Akers61037.50%
Alec Gleason121642.86%
Andy Maurer3175.00%
Brent Davis MO19579.17%
Bryan Redshaw6650.00%
Carter Crews41225.00%
Chris Ward51131.25%
Dustin Howell51131.25%
Jared Gleason8850.00%
Jesse Klingensmith181850.00%
Jim Berding10190.91%
Jim Lyons171553.13%
Joe Duecker13765.00%
John Lamb40100.00%
John Miller040.00%
Kelsey McCracken3175.00%
Krista Werner40100.00%
Kristin Machalek7750.00%
Kurt Whitehead2250.00%
Mark Moseley131154.17%
Matt Frauenhoffer81633.33%
Mike Howard51525.00%
Mike Miesner11191.67%
Mike Morhaus1325.00%
Molly Matejcic6275.00%
Nick Neitzel3175.00%
Ron Combs11955.00%
Ryan Willenbrock51525.00%
Sam Trakas4266.67%
Scott Lee2250.00%
Steve Fredericks1325.00%
Steve Murphy9375.00%
Tom Eggers40100.00%
Zach Pilger41225.00%

SLAP-The Silver Ballroom

Active from 11/03/2021 through 03/22/2023.

Played 6 seasons, 56 meets, 224 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Addams Family 56,927,330 100,498,800 5,630,000 5
Alice Cooper 7,217,180 14,062,680 2,188,390 7
Black Knight SOR 37,896,160 147,671,720 1,393,190 13
Bram Stoker's Dracula 11,813,000 21,148,120 4,801,240 3
Bride of Pinbot 3,670,390 8,061,520 1,360,000 6
Creature From The Black Lagoon 40,797,370 129,070,138 20,466,250 13
Deadpool 134,126,300 534,318,370 9,892,720 14
Dialed In 113,780 299,310 16,310 10
Dr Dude 1,259,240 2,077,760 527,900 3
Elvira's House of Horrors 21,455,890 21,455,890 21,455,890 1
Fish Tales 12,194,340 40,206,840 3,673,480 13
Flintstones 225,637,120 801,700,760 44,902,890 6
Funhouse 2,886,570 7,426,000 747,930 16
Iron Maiden Premium 26,771,450 64,713,970 3,972,110 6
Jokerz 1,334,840 6,629,740 272,020 16
Judge Dredd 90,667,360 285,757,690 26,407,440 13
Junk Yard 4,226,320 9,541,220 572,290 10
No Good Gophers 3,206,790 8,096,680 1,420,550 7
Revenge From Mars 62,231,370 166,059,820 24,206,170 15
Rick And Morty 3,244,980 5,834,403 1,009,501 10
Royal Rumble 190,713,010 331,486,990 108,864,210 9
Sopranos 18,141,050 34,719,170 6,147,320 9
The Walking Dead 21,900,500 77,505,260 2,201,280 9
Total Nuclear Annihilation 91,140 91,140 91,140 1
Willy Wonka 141,430 218,120 53,190 4

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Doenges81240.00%
Abbey Wild4450.00%
Abigail Manwarren101050.00%
Alvan Caby5362.50%
Andrew Zaat352756.45%
Andy Sistek181064.29%
Anne Roulo7558.33%
Bill Friese1712.50%
Brad Sadl151353.57%
Brennan Sullivan31318.75%
Carolyn Belgeri14670.00%
Dave Meyer040.00%
Dennis Eldridge030.00%
Dom Dufner4450.00%
Erik Wild2250.00%
Garrett Shedron040.00%
Jared Gleason131841.94%
Jason Allen2528.57%
Jason Wilson MO91145.00%
Jon Fann12860.00%
Kristi Wilson5362.50%
Kyle Gonzalez3175.00%
Lawrence Booker21775.00%
Lisa McMichael9375.00%
Mark Hendley1325.00%
Matt Kemper2250.00%
Meghan Buttry1325.00%
Mike Howard2250.00%
Mike Radake4833.33%
Molly Matejcic131056.52%
Phil Day14670.00%
Richard Wilke4450.00%
Robin Rath31715.00%
Ross Lawrence80100.00%
Roy Lay6366.67%
Ryan Willenbrock1325.00%
Shelly Dachroeden2625.00%
Steve "Doc" Dachroeden9756.25%
Toby Donaker2625.00%
Tyler Kulasza5362.50%
Valerie Iriarte7943.75%
Zach Jaeger242846.15%

Badges Awarded (60)

In Love With Pinball new badge
In Love With Pinball
Earned for playing on Valentine's Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 02/14/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 5)
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
Earned for having the top score for every machine in a meet.

Earned 02/03/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 3)
Earned for completing 20 seasons.

Earned 02/29/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 8)
Super Jackpot
Super Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,427 total league points.

Earned 01/25/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 3)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 11/06/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 5)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 10/09/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 1)
Lucky Sevens
Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Earned 09/18/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL AUG/SEPT meet 6)
So Close
So Close
Earned for scoring 19 points in a meet.

Earned 09/11/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL AUG/SEPT meet 5)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 09/04/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL AUG/SEPT meet 4)
No-Labor Day
No-Labor Day
Earned for playing on Labor Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 09/04/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL AUG/SEPT meet 4)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 07/03/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL JUN/JUL 2023 meet 3)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 04/27/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 4)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 04/13/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 2)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 04/13/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 2)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 03/13/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL MAR/APR meet 3)
Covering the Bases
Covering the Bases
Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet.

Earned 03/08/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 8)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 02/06/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL Jan/Feb meet 6)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 02/06/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL Jan/Feb meet 6)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 01/30/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL Jan/Feb meet 5)
Sneak In
Sneak In
Earned for overcoming a 5+ point deficit to qualify for the playoffs.

Earned 12/13/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL NOV/DEC 2022 meet 6)
Middle of the Road
Middle of the Road
Earned for scoring 2+2+2+2+2 points in a meet.

Earned 12/07/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 6)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 11/09/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 3)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 08/31/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 5)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 08/24/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 4)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 08/22/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL JUL/AUG 2022 meet 6)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 08/22/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL JUL/AUG 2022 meet 6)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 08/22/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL JUL/AUG 2022 meet 6)
Lost Your Focus
Lost Your Focus
Earned for winning the first 3 games of a meet but losing the last game.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Five for Fighting
Five for Fighting
Earned for winning your group in 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 10)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/29/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 9)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/29/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 9)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 06/27/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL MAY-JULY 2022 meet 6)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 06/22/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/22/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 8)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 06/20/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL MAY-JULY 2022 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/15/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 7)
Cherry Picker
Cherry Picker
Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible.

Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2022 meet 5)
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 05/30/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL MAY-JULY 2022 meet 2)
Earned for playing on Memorial Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 05/30/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL MAY-JULY 2022 meet 2)
Slick Flipper
Slick Flipper
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs.

Earned 04/13/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 10)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 04/13/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 10)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 04/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 9)
Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet.

Earned 04/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 9)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 04/06/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 9)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 03/23/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 7)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 03/09/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 5)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 01/05/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 01/05/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 10)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 12/29/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 9)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 12/22/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 12/15/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 7)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 12/15/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 7)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 12/08/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 6)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 12/01/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 5)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 11/10/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 2)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 11/03/2021 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 meet 1)