Active from 09/08/2022 through 02/06/2025.
Played 9 seasons, 77 meets, 308 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
AC/DC Pro | 17,368,510 | 52,424,270 | 4,356,820 | 25 |
Attack From Mars CE | 990,738,140 | 3,253,741,000 | 151,481,760 | 25 |
Avengers Infinity Quest | 21,274,650 | 88,313,670 | 3,414,500 | 25 |
Bond Dr No | 51,786,920 | 121,376,850 | 5,906,500 | 18 |
Deadpool Pro | 34,711,490 | 182,357,720 | 1,919,870 | 19 |
Foo Fighters | 56,048,030 | 187,783,260 | 4,797,270 | 17 |
Ghostbusters Pro | 103,334,050 | 801,174,030 | 5,337,200 | 26 |
Godzilla Pro | 25,406,410 | 84,156,080 | 9,378,210 | 22 |
Iron Maiden Pro | 50,893,000 | 136,890,640 | 9,089,910 | 9 |
Jaws | 52,486,900 | 73,937,550 | 21,958,640 | 6 |
John Wick Pro | 18,362,930 | 43,596,720 | 6,002,580 | 4 |
Judge Dredd | 85,986,330 | 320,544,540 | 22,554,350 | 19 |
Jurassic Park Pro | 29,115,270 | 56,050,280 | 4,920,290 | 26 |
Star Trek Pro | 14,935,860 | 45,790,050 | 3,568,100 | 27 |
Stranger Things Pro | 40,433,570 | 78,333,310 | 7,022,010 | 28 |
Venom | 25,930,600 | 40,159,790 | 14,418,890 | 5 |
X-Men | 60,241,630 | 82,363,970 | 38,119,280 | 2 |
Active from 01/16/2022 through 02/05/2025.
Played 11 seasons, 98 meets, 392 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
Addams Family | 16,458,360 | 66,909,080 | 2,800,050 | 8 |
Alice Cooper | 6,286,340 | 17,661,220 | 1,328,260 | 10 |
Alien | 9,551,640 | 12,140,070 | 6,963,210 | 2 |
Batman 66 | 29,787,620 | 61,874,340 | 9,480,500 | 10 |
Black Knight SOR | 25,448,730 | 98,798,440 | 1,774,770 | 13 |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | 12,887,290 | 19,403,850 | 9,372,630 | 3 |
Bride of Pinbot | 1,587,750 | 1,960,660 | 1,355,720 | 3 |
Champion Pub | 7,073,030 | 12,362,160 | 1,783,890 | 2 |
Creature From The Black Lagoon | 47,783,300 | 132,127,290 | 10,821,480 | 17 |
Deadpool | 27,015,720 | 62,308,610 | 5,616,090 | 7 |
Dialed In | 64,820 | 140,780 | 7,280 | 9 |
Dr Dude | 1,396,520 | 1,396,520 | 1,396,520 | 1 |
Elvira's House of Horrors | 15,544,040 | 27,084,610 | 4,041,470 | 14 |
Fish Tales | 14,661,880 | 68,243,390 | 1,587,820 | 15 |
Flintstones | 161,921,590 | 332,637,040 | 59,352,100 | 14 |
Funhouse | 3,318,240 | 11,583,290 | 530,550 | 21 |
Hurricane | 4,822,380 | 16,376,010 | 334,420 | 6 |
Iron Maiden Premium | 17,888,830 | 70,761,960 | 2,001,800 | 22 |
Jokerz | 1,263,460 | 2,889,220 | 379,120 | 9 |
Judge Dredd | 54,229,140 | 106,345,290 | 24,642,200 | 8 |
Junk Yard | 2,835,600 | 9,616,170 | 578,330 | 19 |
Labyrinth | 3,654,430 | 5,866,430 | 1,501,110 | 5 |
Monster Bash | 19,118,650 | 57,439,350 | 2,386,330 | 13 |
NBA Fastbreak | 33 | 50 | 11 | 6 |
No Good Gophers | 3,721,260 | 8,002,950 | 904,510 | 21 |
Oktoberfest | 261,560 | 261,555 | 261,555 | 1 |
Pinbot | 540,990 | 1,367,250 | 143,150 | 9 |
Revenge From Mars | 31,654,640 | 76,707,510 | 12,866,070 | 10 |
Rick And Morty | 1,552,010 | 2,852,701 | 403,401 | 16 |
Royal Rumble | 170,251,950 | 414,062,190 | 60,272,070 | 21 |
Sopranos | 9,939,430 | 19,765,330 | 2,605,540 | 5 |
The Munsters | 5,345,180 | 15,781,330 | 352,690 | 13 |
The Walking Dead | 8,869,460 | 26,616,200 | 1,836,360 | 14 |
Total Nuclear Annihilation | 67,130 | 151,390 | 28,490 | 5 |
UltraMan | 5,760,990 | 17,008,480 | 932,270 | 14 |
Who Dunnit | 785,663,230 | 1,355,601,810 | 563,461,920 | 4 |
Willy Wonka | 17,790 | 17,790 | 17,790 | 1 |
Museum Earned for playing 50 different machines. Earned 09/22/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2024 meet 2) | |
Super Jackpot Earned for scoring 1,427 total league points. Earned 09/09/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024 meet 10) | |
Octuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points. Earned 04/15/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2024 meet 3) | |
Hell Yes Earned for scoring 1+1+3+4 points in a meet. Earned 02/22/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 7) | |
Septuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points. Earned 01/25/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 3) | |
Amethyst Earned for completing 10 seasons. Earned 11/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Consistency Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets. Earned 09/29/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Fall 2023 meet 6) | |
Cherry Picker Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible. Earned 09/28/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 4) | |
Sextuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 900 total league points. Earned 09/28/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 4) | |
Middle of the Road Earned for scoring 2+2+2+2+2 points in a meet. Earned 09/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Fall 2023 meet 5) | |
Late Bloomer Earned for winning your group after starting with a zero. Earned 09/15/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Fall 2023 meet 4) | |
Ho Ho Earned for scoring 0+4+0+4 points in a meet. Earned 09/15/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Fall 2023 meet 4) | |
Quintuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 750 total league points. Earned 07/06/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Summer 2023 meet 4) | |
Head of the Class Earned for making A Division. Earned 07/02/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Summer 2023 meet 10) | |
Downhill Slide Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before. Earned 05/28/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Summer 2023 meet 5) | |
Pwnage Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
WTF?! Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score. Earned 05/18/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 7) | |
Quadruple Jackpot Earned for scoring 600 total league points. Earned 05/11/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 6) | |
So Close Earned for scoring 19 points in a meet. Earned 03/26/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 10) | |
Amber Earned for completing 5 seasons. Earned 03/26/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 10) | |
Domination Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet. Earned 03/26/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 10) | |
Player For All Seasons Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league. Earned 03/26/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 10) | |
Top Banana Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division. Earned 03/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Did Your Time Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays. Earned 03/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Covering the Bases Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet. Earned 03/12/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 8) | |
Centurion Earned for scoring 100 points in a season. Earned 03/09/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 9) | |
Triple Jackpot Earned for scoring 450 total league points. Earned 02/26/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 6) | |
Close Shave Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin. Earned 01/29/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Ladies League Winter 2023 meet 3) | |
Three-peat Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets. Earned 01/26/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 3) | |
Two-fer Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets. Earned 01/19/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 2) | |
En Fuego Earned for winning all games in a meet. Earned 01/12/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 1) | |
Triple Scoop Earned for scoring 3+3+3+3+3 points in a meet. Earned 01/12/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 1) | |
Slick Flipper Earned for qualifying for the playoffs. Earned 11/13/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
Most Improved Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times. Earned 11/13/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
Gets Around Earned for playing in every group during a season. Earned 11/13/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
Going for Gold Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine. Earned 11/13/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
Double Jackpot Earned for scoring 300 total league points. Earned 11/10/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Groundhog Day Earned for keeping the same ladder position for 3 consecutive meets. Earned 10/13/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 6) | |
Lost Your Focus Earned for winning the first 3 games of a meet but losing the last game. Earned 10/09/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 5) | |
Lucky Break Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score. Earned 09/29/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 4) | |
Arcade Earned for playing 30 different machines. Earned 09/22/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 3) | |
Busy Bee Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously. Earned 09/11/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 1) | |
Freebie Earned for winning a game by forfeit. Earned 09/11/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 1) | |
The Air Up There Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season. Earned 09/11/2022 (SLAP-Bitches Be Flippin' Fall 2022 Women's League meet 1) | |
Jackpot Earned for scoring 150 total league points. Earned 09/08/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 1) | |
Finish Line Earned for completing a season. Earned 07/10/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
Deja Vu Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season. Earned 07/10/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 10) | |
DOHO Earned for earning the DOHO badge. Earned 06/26/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 9) | |
Strength Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores. Earned 06/05/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 6) | |
Yo-Yo Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets. Earned 05/15/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 4) | |
Game Room Earned for playing 15 different machines. Earned 04/24/2022 (SLAP-Bitches be Flippin' Spring 2022 Women's League meet 1) | |
Missed a Spot Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines. Earned 03/20/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 10) | |
Pink Slip Earned for forfeiting out of a season. Earned 03/13/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 9) | |
Old School Earned for having a machine score ending in 000. Earned 02/27/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 7) | |
Best in Show Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet. Earned 02/27/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 7) | |
Daily Double Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet. Earned 02/27/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 7) | |
Lollipop Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero. Earned 02/27/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 7) | |
Clone Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine. Earned 02/20/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 6) | |
Weiner Earned for winning your group. Earned 02/13/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 5) | |
Crushing Victory Earned for winning a game with 4 league points. Earned 02/13/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Bitches be Flippin' Women's League Winter 2022 meet 5) |