Active from 05/04/2022 through 02/19/2025.
Played 9 seasons, 85 meets, 340 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
AC/DC LE | 23,900,550 | 60,709,260 | 5,266,980 | 3 |
Addams Family | 26,294,110 | 66,194,840 | 3,406,220 | 5 |
Aerosmith | 39,314,330 | 39,314,330 | 39,314,330 | 1 |
Ali | 126,190 | 369,200 | 41,910 | 4 |
Attack From Mars | 1,168,129,970 | 1,451,992,860 | 869,193,560 | 3 |
Avengers IQ | 24,001,220 | 43,419,220 | 5,941,630 | 10 |
Batman 66 | 62,634,580 | 148,144,360 | 12,073,790 | 4 |
Beatles | 2,319,560 | 5,769,290 | 1,086,140 | 4 |
Big Game | 67,340 | 67,340 | 67,340 | 1 |
Black Knight SOR | 26,400,820 | 78,958,670 | 6,114,470 | 6 |
Black Pyramid | 557,020 | 1,248,870 | 143,220 | 6 |
Black Rose | 6,522,130 | 7,028,830 | 6,015,420 | 2 |
Bond 60th | 4,780 | 7,011 | 2,102 | 3 |
Cactus Canyon | 21,328,630 | 21,328,630 | 21,328,630 | 1 |
Congo | 83,302,130 | 110,134,070 | 56,470,190 | 2 |
Corvette | 239,551,580 | 489,235,160 | 43,481,630 | 6 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon | 29,484,090 | 44,516,770 | 19,129,970 | 6 |
CSI | 4,168,430 | 8,140,710 | 1,637,460 | 7 |
Cyclone | 1,510,870 | 2,327,500 | 694,240 | 2 |
Deadpool | 32,816,840 | 66,146,630 | 4,496,060 | 5 |
Demolition Man | 161,670,980 | 280,819,490 | 60,381,320 | 5 |
Dialed In | 104,300 | 179,090 | 46,120 | 3 |
Dirty Harry | 95,868,950 | 95,868,950 | 95,868,950 | 1 |
Dracula | 34,399,640 | 64,388,060 | 4,411,220 | 2 |
Earth Shaker | 1,123,560 | 1,755,280 | 715,430 | 3 |
Eight Ball Deluxe | 360,390 | 479,210 | 192,060 | 5 |
Elton John | 11,036,000 | 21,929,320 | 4,416,010 | 4 |
Elvis | 3,558,790 | 3,558,790 | 3,558,790 | 1 |
Family Guy | 15,434,770 | 30,941,980 | 9,190,620 | 4 |
Fire | 1,857,710 | 1,857,710 | 1,857,710 | 1 |
Fish Tales | 20,103,260 | 20,103,260 | 20,103,260 | 1 |
Foo Fighters | 8,116,990 | 13,512,510 | 2,721,470 | 2 |
Frontier | 437,740 | 546,000 | 268,750 | 3 |
Funhouse | 2,575,700 | 6,569,690 | 978,770 | 5 |
Game of Thrones | 22,947,730 | 70,321,150 | 9,236,170 | 9 |
Ghost Busters | 19,610,340 | 28,660,090 | 6,932,210 | 4 |
Godfather | 2,840,790 | 7,624,165 | 656,505 | 4 |
Godzilla | 115,774,070 | 169,630,720 | 61,917,410 | 2 |
Guardians of the Galaxy | 91,085,900 | 138,146,650 | 43,600,670 | 3 |
Harlem Globetrotters | 56,030 | 95,140 | 31,100 | 4 |
Harley Davidson | 3,664,930 | 6,107,420 | 1,222,430 | 2 |
High Speed II: Getaway | 34,978,220 | 56,548,850 | 18,080,730 | 4 |
Hulk LE | 4,303,320 | 5,522,860 | 3,083,780 | 2 |
Indiana Jones | 61,008,540 | 74,952,760 | 51,015,650 | 3 |
indy 500 | 142,836,340 | 207,140,030 | 78,532,650 | 2 |
Iron Maiden | 10,762,640 | 16,364,640 | 5,923,940 | 3 |
Ironman | 7,560,620 | 13,547,080 | 3,139,870 | 6 |
Jackbot | 1,583,347,230 | 2,882,871,950 | 283,822,500 | 2 |
James Bond Premium | 67,359,780 | 189,868,800 | 17,995,960 | 6 |
Jaws LE | 53,542,200 | 82,733,200 | 26,778,110 | 5 |
John Wick LE | 71,726,280 | 177,476,370 | 12,774,500 | 5 |
Johnny Mnemonic | 1,025,976,600 | 1,294,872,350 | 757,080,850 | 2 |
Joker Poker | 95,510 | 95,510 | 95,510 | 1 |
Junkyard | 2,825,120 | 3,691,760 | 1,943,440 | 3 |
Jurassic Park Stern | 5,727,280 | 5,727,280 | 5,727,280 | 1 |
KISS | 23,384,360 | 62,857,900 | 5,055,880 | 5 |
Led Zepplin | 10,313,550 | 25,016,980 | 2,763,870 | 3 |
Mandalorian | 17,978,920 | 29,665,540 | 4,223,580 | 3 |
Medieval Madness | 3,123,640 | 4,566,800 | 1,680,480 | 2 |
Metallica | 21,373,060 | 39,710,150 | 3,949,940 | 3 |
Meteor | 131,240 | 202,860 | 81,000 | 3 |
Monster Bash | 8,767,300 | 19,195,400 | 3,149,940 | 4 |
Mustang | 42,647,030 | 68,737,900 | 16,553,620 | 7 |
NBA Fast Break | 36 | 48 | 23 | 2 |
No Fear | 360,733,680 | 449,717,760 | 232,940,060 | 4 |
No Good Golphers | 3,002,870 | 3,654,620 | 2,351,120 | 2 |
Pirates of the Carribean | 53,968,850 | 53,968,850 | 53,968,850 | 1 |
Road Show | 114,050,960 | 124,268,520 | 103,833,400 | 2 |
Rush | 56,981,530 | 221,450,830 | 15,333,540 | 12 |
Spectrum | 759,670 | 975,870 | 543,460 | 2 |
Spiderman | 39,458,570 | 84,272,900 | 3,446,780 | 8 |
Star Gazer | 202,400 | 202,400 | 202,400 | 1 |
Star Trek Next Generation | 236,029,080 | 902,533,300 | 68,892,350 | 6 |
Star Wars Data East | 63,482,930 | 63,482,930 | 63,482,930 | 1 |
Star Wars Stern | 375,770,300 | 807,141,670 | 17,875,690 | 5 |
Stranger Things | 23,294,970 | 31,260,790 | 14,865,420 | 3 |
Tales of the Arabian Nights | 7,806,020 | 33,346,510 | 822,360 | 5 |
Taxi | 907,160 | 1,473,370 | 391,090 | 7 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 4,572,530 | 8,329,000 | 1,043,590 | 3 |
Terminator 2 | 3,921,860 | 3,921,860 | 3,921,860 | 1 |
Terminator 3 | 15,253,730 | 15,253,730 | 15,253,730 | 1 |
Theatre of Magic | 250,434,550 | 508,805,370 | 64,125,670 | 5 |
Total Nuclear | 805,860 | 1,231,271 | 371,041 | 3 |
Toy story | 602,820 | 1,845,450 | 77,730 | 5 |
Transporter | 845,900 | 1,230,550 | 461,250 | 2 |
Tron | 9,869,700 | 23,077,800 | 1,931,420 | 5 |
Twilight Zone | 95,222,700 | 118,122,100 | 72,323,300 | 2 |
Venom | 59,441,790 | 59,441,790 | 59,441,790 | 1 |
Walking Dead | 20,130,450 | 34,938,110 | 5,857,920 | 4 |
Whirlwind | 3,953,110 | 7,835,940 | 1,019,600 | 5 |
Whitewater | 22,120,980 | 40,227,750 | 8,365,330 | 6 |
willy wonka | 270,550 | 774,050 | 37,820 | 7 |
Wizard of Oz | 12,550 | 18,637 | 6,462 | 2 |
World Cup Soccer | 403,745,270 | 442,445,860 | 365,044,680 | 2 |
X Men LE | 10,426,940 | 10,426,940 | 10,426,940 | 1 |
Quintuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 750 total league points. Earned 10/21/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Fall 2024 meet 4) | |
Quadruple Jackpot Earned for scoring 600 total league points. Earned 03/13/2024 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Winter 2024 meet 9) | |
Lost Your Focus Earned for winning the first 3 games of a meet but losing the last game. Earned 12/05/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Summer 2023 meet 10) | |
Amber Earned for completing 5 seasons. Earned 11/08/2023 (SLAP-Atomic Pinball Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Covering the Bases Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet. Earned 10/04/2023 (SLAP-Atomic Pinball Fall 2023 meet 5) | |
Triple Jackpot Earned for scoring 450 total league points. Earned 09/27/2023 (SLAP-Atomic Pinball Fall 2023 meet 4) | |
Museum Earned for playing 50 different machines. Earned 05/31/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Summer 2023 meet 5) | |
Player For All Seasons Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league. Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Double Jackpot Earned for scoring 300 total league points. Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Lollipop Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero. Earned 03/01/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Spring 2023 meet 7) | |
Downhill Slide Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before. Earned 01/18/2023 (SLAP-CP Pinball Spring 2023 meet 1) | |
Consistency Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets. Earned 10/19/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 10) | |
Pwnage Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season. Earned 10/19/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 10) | |
Arcade Earned for playing 30 different machines. Earned 10/12/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 9) | |
Jackpot Earned for scoring 150 total league points. Earned 09/21/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 6) | |
Old School Earned for having a machine score ending in 000. Earned 09/07/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 4) | |
Cherry Picker Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible. Earned 09/07/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall/winter 2022 meet 4) | |
Missed a Spot Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines. Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Did Your Time Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays. Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Slick Flipper Earned for qualifying for the playoffs. Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Centurion Earned for scoring 100 points in a season. Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Finish Line Earned for completing a season. Earned 07/06/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Yo-Yo Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets. Earned 06/22/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 8) | |
Game Room Earned for playing 15 different machines. Earned 06/22/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 8) | |
Lucky Break Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score. Earned 06/08/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 6) | |
Three-peat Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets. Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 5) | |
Beating the Odds Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet. Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 5) | |
Domination Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet. Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 5) | |
En Fuego Earned for winning all games in a meet. Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 5) | |
So Close Earned for scoring 19 points in a meet. Earned 06/01/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 5) | |
Close Shave Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin. Earned 05/25/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 4) | |
Two-fer Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets. Earned 05/25/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 4) | |
Deja Vu Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season. Earned 05/25/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 4) | |
Weiner Earned for winning your group. Earned 05/18/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 3) | |
Daily Double Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet. Earned 05/18/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 3) | |
Crushing Victory Earned for winning a game with 4 league points. Earned 05/18/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 3) | |
Best in Show Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet. Earned 05/18/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 3) | |
Strength Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores. Earned 05/18/2022 (SLAP-CP Pinball Fall 2022 meet 3) |