St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP - Benton Parkade

Active from 10/09/2023 through 11/13/2023.

Played 1 season, 6 meets, 24 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
ACDC 14,748,420 26,246,720 3,250,120 2
Bronco 698,470 698,470 698,470 1
Godzilla Premium 19,355,290 28,753,490 11,082,380 3
Jaws 1,686,970 1,686,970 1,686,970 1
Jurassic Park Premium 8,280,950 8,280,950 8,280,950 1
Meteor 6,309,870 8,241,210 4,378,530 2
Stranger Things 10,503,750 14,625,740 6,381,750 2
The Addams Family 17,396,090 32,953,680 1,838,490 2
The Mandalorian 820,310 1,259,530 381,090 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Clark Summers2250.00%
Emily Wildhaber3175.00%
Jack Conner7943.75%
Linhphi Buipham2250.00%
Mark Nagel4450.00%
Paige Durovic040.00%

Badges Awarded (9)

Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 11/13/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 6)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 11/13/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 6)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 11/13/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 6)
Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score.

Earned 10/30/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 4)
Hell Yes
Hell Yes
Earned for scoring 1+1+3+4 points in a meet.

Earned 10/30/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 4)
Low Rise
Low Rise
Earned for moving up a group with the minimum points possible.

Earned 10/23/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 3)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 10/09/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 10/09/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 1)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 10/09/2023 (SLAP-Up Down STL OCT/NOV meet 1)