St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Red Fish Blue Fish

Active from 01/15/2024 through 11/18/2024.

Played 2 seasons, 15 meets, 60 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC Pro 10,233,530 23,776,910 3,746,040 5
Aerosmith LE 21,319,810 38,914,620 6,522,190 5
Beatles 1,061,060 1,061,060 1,061,060 1
Foo Fighters Pro 56,350,920 136,925,160 17,927,900 6
Godzilla 70th 87,548,320 108,606,160 66,490,480 2
Iron Maiden Pro 122,072,300 358,924,770 7,821,090 6
Jaws Pro 52,695,760 70,949,000 33,944,880 4
Led Zeppelin Prem 12,434,410 53,711,920 1,524,690 6
Rush Prem 23,900,930 44,974,150 10,720,620 7
Star Wars Pro 150,091,830 304,532,870 37,132,960 5
The Mandalorian Pro 57,379,420 112,599,780 18,898,090 5
Venom Pro 49,561,730 127,051,970 6,160,760 6

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Alex Voss1325.00%
Allison Wilkerson1325.00%
Bailee Fox2250.00%
Benny Mazzier6940.00%
Bill Clausen020.00%
Bob Ising4450.00%
Carli Patterson40100.00%
Clayton Prinster1325.00%
Dave Hoette1325.00%
Greg Upchurch3827.27%
James Brown6650.00%
Jeff Groh1712.50%
Jessica Pashos7943.75%
John Kruger6275.00%
Kelly Holderman020.00%
Kevin Tennill6460.00%
Michelle Wills1325.00%
Mike Grinstead7943.75%
Mike Lowell2625.00%
Raquel Boydstun8466.67%
Richard Wilke2250.00%
Zach Gossett80100.00%