St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Red Fish Blue Fish

Active from 04/15/2024 through 11/18/2024.

Played 2 seasons, 20 meets, 80 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC Pro 8,707,760 24,374,730 2,137,410 7
Aerosmith LE 4,415,750 7,207,310 2,166,330 6
Beatles 981,320 1,598,670 604,590 4
Foo Fighters Pro 28,797,550 50,024,450 6,656,130 7
Godzilla 70th 12,534,240 12,534,240 12,534,240 1
Iron Maiden Pro 13,140,450 32,109,670 4,539,880 5
Jaws Pro 39,179,430 53,603,190 24,382,240 7
John Wick Pro 5,731,750 8,439,050 4,195,710 3
Led Zeppelin Prem 7,007,570 9,600,370 4,146,220 5
Rush Prem 14,174,780 23,941,640 6,750,350 6
Star Wars Pro 91,843,380 219,771,630 28,997,970 7
The Mandalorian Pro 30,122,950 85,265,720 4,569,510 7
Venom Pro 33,054,940 107,956,130 5,150,140 7

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Anthony Oliveira61037.50%
Bailee Fox4736.36%
Bill Clausen2625.00%
Bob Ising3175.00%
Carli Patterson111640.74%
Corey Thompson040.00%
Dave Hoette1118.33%
Fred DeBram1118.33%
Greg Duffner2625.00%
Greg Upchurch040.00%
James Brown41225.00%
Jessica Pashos040.00%
Jimmy Maness1325.00%
John Dalton1325.00%
John Kruger3925.00%
Kyle Boaz2250.00%
Michelle Wills1325.00%
Mike Grinstead040.00%
Raquel Boydstun51525.00%
Rick Adams3175.00%
Steven Lucz040.00%
Trey Wilkerson1325.00%
Zach Gossett31318.75%

Badges Awarded (1)

Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 09/16/2024 (SLAP-Red Fish Blue Fish Fall 2024 meet 1)