St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP - Benton Parkade

Active from 07/12/2021 through 02/17/2025.

Played 2 seasons, 11 meets, 44 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars 1,560,834,080 3,342,266,970 610,354,990 3
Avengers Pro 13,813,960 13,813,960 13,813,960 1
Black Knight Pro 65,024,620 168,796,990 14,798,090 4
Bond Premium 69,598,540 91,412,300 46,209,430 4
Cactus Canyon 15,494,430 15,494,430 15,494,430 1
Deadpool 185,149,310 277,392,870 92,905,740 2
Godzilla Premium 722,303,670 722,303,670 722,303,670 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 9,780,110 9,826,510 9,733,700 2
Jaws 181,016,810 271,761,260 4,938,470 3
Jurassic Park Premium 36,352,040 57,879,150 15,235,530 6
Metallica Remaster 11,822,640 11,822,640 11,822,640 1
Monster Bash 21,099,480 27,415,790 14,783,160 2
Munsters 30 45 10 3
Pulp Fiction 24,708,700 36,820,840 12,596,550 2
Space Station 1,744,060 2,780,430 707,690 2
Stranger Things 114,153,480 163,162,630 9,453,070 4
The Addams Family 17,885,720 32,567,940 3,203,490 2
The Mandalorian 7,898,560 7,898,560 7,898,560 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Vatterott7558.33%
Andy Sistek2250.00%
Cory Brown5362.50%
Eric Summers40100.00%
Isabelle Seppa9375.00%
Jesse Loeffler2250.00%
John McGarry3175.00%
Kris Lane3175.00%
Kristie Dolan 7187.50%
Madeline Jones40100.00%
Matt Welker40100.00%
Mike Howard2250.00%
Molly Matejcic9375.00%
Patrick Anderson3175.00%
Patrick Pisani1325.00%
Ryan Werner5362.50%
Ryan Willenbrock2250.00%
Skylar Irwin6275.00%
William Oetting2250.00%

SLAP-The Silver Ballroom

Active from 01/08/2020 through 03/04/2020.

Played 1 season, 9 meets, 36 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Black Knight SOR 24,652,630 24,652,630 24,652,630 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula 7,601,430 7,601,430 7,601,430 1
Bride of Pinbot 473,990 473,990 473,990 1
Creature From The Black Lagoon 31,307,310 34,661,080 27,953,530 2
Cue Ball Wizard 18,684,090 18,684,090 18,684,090 1
Dialed In 42,330 42,330 42,330 1
Doctor Who 9,185,130 9,185,130 9,185,130 1
Dr Dude 1,349,830 1,893,660 806,000 2
Iron Maiden Premium 20,114,030 26,509,580 13,718,480 2
Judge Dredd 49,120,300 49,120,300 49,120,300 1
Monster Bash 24,901,500 30,013,800 19,789,190 2
NBA Fastbreak 57 57 57 1
Oktoberfest 114,240 195,925 32,555 2
Revenge From Mars 119,765,970 119,765,970 119,765,970 1
Rick And Morty 783,600 783,601 783,601 1
Sopranos 9,265,070 11,846,170 4,375,960 5
Street Fighter II 72,213,010 79,660,030 64,765,990 2
The Walking Dead 8,121,590 11,142,680 4,012,470 4
Total Nuclear Annihilation 146,410 237,310 55,500 2
Who Dunnit 331,579,950 642,951,640 168,309,060 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Gondek6275.00%
Andy Sistek3537.50%
Ben Shasserre6650.00%
Brittany Boesch2250.00%
Dave Denlow3537.50%
Dennis Eldridge5362.50%
John Seely40100.00%
Katie Evitts3537.50%
Marissa Sexton3175.00%
Rich Cliver2250.00%
Roy Lay2250.00%
Ryan Mleczkowski5362.50%

SLAP-The Waiting Room

Active from 10/08/2019 through 12/10/2019.

Played 1 season, 10 meets, 40 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC 13,378,940 20,558,130 6,913,410 4
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 15,207,670 49,653,501 4,036,200 5
Batman 66 Premium 45,292,560 84,176,240 7,151,860 3
Champion's Pub 9,198,910 10,146,700 8,251,110 2
Deadpool 53,303,140 124,122,600 11,092,010 4
Funhouse 5,134,980 11,440,250 1,516,660 3
Ghostbusters 48,086,470 136,273,390 6,923,510 5
Jokerz 3,986,460 3,986,460 3,986,460 1
No Good Gofers 3,633,020 5,480,160 1,785,880 2
Willy Wonka and The Chocolate FActory 117,310 239,100 15,200 4
World Cup 379,820,950 639,758,200 169,736,700 5

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Blevens8657.14%
Aaron Weiss2250.00%
Carie Breen40100.00%
Christa Van Herreweghe7558.33%
Elizabeth Heberer8466.67%
Jesse Loeffler020.00%
Jim Berding3537.50%
Jim Van Herreweghe2250.00%
Joe Van Herreweghe1325.00%
John Moenster2250.00%
Kevin Stroer1325.00%
Kristi Bertram3175.00%
Mike Howard3350.00%
Patrick Pisani9756.25%

SLAP-Two Plumbers

Active from 04/18/2018 through 06/20/2018.

Played 1 season, 10 meets, 40 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC 9,936,550 24,437,190 5,542,420 5
Aerosmith 12,776,970 22,859,600 7,619,660 4
Iron Maiden 5,640,490 5,712,080 5,568,900 2
Iron Man 3,137,400 4,556,170 2,252,820 4
Lord of the Rings 3,842,940 4,928,160 2,757,720 2
Pirates of the Carribean 30,880,220 52,778,820 8,981,610 2
Sopranos 5,823,420 8,671,000 3,976,430 3
Star Trek 9,498,240 16,071,300 3,526,920 5
Star Wars 191,378,390 270,633,420 126,073,990 5
The Addams Family 30,944,810 65,992,820 8,567,300 4
Transformers 4,143,300 4,420,730 3,841,660 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Brian Orf1325.00%
Chad Sanders2250.00%
Chris Wheeler2250.00%
Cody Rice2625.00%
Jason Probst2250.00%
Jesse Loeffler1325.00%
Jim Zimmerly1325.00%
John Simon2250.00%
Jon Mueller4450.00%
Katie Schowengerdt4450.00%
Kaysha Sanders9564.29%
Kevin Stroer040.00%
Matt Puckett2250.00%
Scott Craig5741.67%
Steven Fortenberry6185.71%

Badges Awarded (33)

Commander in Chief new badge
Commander in Chief
Earned for playing on President's Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 02/17/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 6)
In Love With Pinball
In Love With Pinball
Earned for playing on Valentine's Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 02/14/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 5)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/14/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 5)
Cherry Picker
Cherry Picker
Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible.

Earned 02/07/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 4)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 01/27/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 2)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 08/03/2021 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2021 meet 4)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 07/13/2021 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2021 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 03/04/2020 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2020 meet 9)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 02/19/2020 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2020 meet 7)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 02/12/2020 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2020 meet 6)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 01/29/2020 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2020 meet 4)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 01/29/2020 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2020 meet 4)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 12/10/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 10)
Slick Flipper
Slick Flipper
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs.

Earned 12/10/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 10)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 12/10/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 12/10/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 10)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 12/10/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 10)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 11/19/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 7)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 11/12/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 6)
Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet.

Earned 11/12/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 6)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 11/05/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 5)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 10/08/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 1)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 10/08/2019 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2019 meet 1)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 06/20/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 10)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 06/20/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 10)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/06/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 8)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 05/23/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 6)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 05/23/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 6)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 05/16/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 5)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 05/09/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 05/02/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 3)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 04/25/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 2)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 04/25/2018 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Spring 2018 meet 2)