St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP - Benton Parkade

Active from 07/12/2021 through 05/02/2022.

Played 6 seasons, 32 meets, 128 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars 740,121,240 2,456,899,280 89,769,230 13
Black Knight Pro 18,990,590 71,420,290 3,060,460 8
Bronco 7,951,140 7,951,140 7,951,140 1
Ghostbusters Premium 15,926,900 73,289,010 808,450 9
Guardians of the Galaxy 4,732,670 16,818,380 1,665,760 12
Jaws 2,806,940 6,518,150 14 15
Jurassic Park Premium 13,902,970 59,207,770 2,417,610 10
Munsters 42 74 15 10
Pulp Fiction 8,453,060 18,600,010 1,347,930 12
Stranger Things 12,298,690 77,010,430 1,771,750 15
The Addams Family 19,962,040 64,531,570 3,081,200 12
The Mandalorian 2,484,280 5,243,300 317,200 11

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Weiss2250.00%
Abby Lehnert1712.50%
Alex OLeary1325.00%
Alex Orear2625.00%
Aman Boyd2250.00%
Andy Sistek040.00%
Brennan Bukaty3175.00%
Brennan Sullivan1325.00%
Colin Robertson2250.00%
Cory Brown080.00%
Emily Neal40100.00%
Eric Beckert11955.00%
Gary McClure12475.00%
Heather Brown11568.75%
Hinman Zhou3175.00%
Isabelle Seppa142635.00%
Jesse Loeffler040.00%
Jim Cook71335.00%
Joe Brueggemann2625.00%
Joe Grasso2250.00%
John McGarry122037.50%
Kris Lane82028.57%
Ky Hunt2250.00%
Marissa Musick5741.67%
Matt Welker040.00%
Megan Badger6650.00%
Mike Howard1325.00%
Rochelle Balentine3925.00%
Ryan Werner080.00%
Sam Trakas1325.00%
Toby Donaker4833.33%
Tom Cocivera131154.17%

Badges Awarded (24)

Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 05/02/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 05/02/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 6)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 05/02/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 6)
Slick Flipper
Slick Flipper
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs.

Earned 05/02/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 6)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 05/02/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 6)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 04/11/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 3)
Cherry Picker
Cherry Picker
Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible.

Earned 04/04/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL April/May meet 2)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 03/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 6)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 03/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 6)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 03/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 6)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 03/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 6)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 03/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 6)
Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief
Earned for playing on President's Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 02/21/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 02/21/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 4)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/21/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 4)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 02/14/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 3)
In Love With Pinball
In Love With Pinball
Earned for playing on Valentine's Day (no preplays or forfeits).

Earned 02/14/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 3)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)
Bad Beat
Bad Beat
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine and still losing.

Earned 02/07/2022 (SLAP-Up Down STL Feb/March 2022 meet 2)