St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP - Benton Parkade

Active from 08/30/2021 through 01/10/2022.

Played 2 seasons, 10 meets, 40 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars 856,309,600 925,503,350 787,115,840 2
Black Knight Pro 12,781,810 13,753,040 11,810,580 2
Ghostbusters Premium 11,795,950 14,902,690 8,689,210 2
Guardians of the Galaxy 3,264,560 5,402,920 2,025,890 5
Jaws 7,224,290 13,002,480 3,398,880 3
Jurassic Park Premium 7,659,090 8,879,600 6,438,570 2
Munsters 28 51 10 7
Pulp Fiction 5,804,360 10,836,410 2,275,520 5
Stranger Things 10,687,470 16,176,110 5,198,830 2
The Addams Family 19,656,430 39,215,350 4,970,270 5
The Mandalorian 3,420,060 12,038,980 482,200 5

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Weiss3175.00%
Abby Lehnert4450.00%
Alex Orear040.00%
Cory Brown1325.00%
Dennis Sloan1325.00%
Isabelle Seppa7943.75%
Jim Cook2625.00%
Joe Brueggemann040.00%
Joe Grasso040.00%
John McGarry4450.00%
Kris Lane3175.00%
Ky Hunt2250.00%
Kylie Maloy3175.00%
Megan Badger2250.00%
Rochelle Balentine51131.25%
Ryan Werner1325.00%
Sam Trakas6650.00%