Active from 09/08/2022 through 02/20/2025.
Played 9 seasons, 79 meets, 316 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
AC/DC Pro | 18,094,670 | 39,215,980 | 4,410,950 | 19 |
Attack From Mars CE | 1,797,987,610 | 5,413,513,690 | 135,553,180 | 32 |
Avengers Infinity Quest | 33,998,080 | 109,664,190 | 3,780,070 | 21 |
Bond Dr No | 106,654,210 | 696,339,690 | 15,711,660 | 21 |
Deadpool Pro | 59,057,070 | 183,908,610 | 2,101,430 | 28 |
Foo Fighters | 66,528,660 | 262,984,540 | 3,987,170 | 15 |
Ghostbusters Pro | 183,317,400 | 977,090,450 | 3,879,890 | 21 |
Godzilla Pro | 81,205,750 | 318,137,610 | 8,055,410 | 32 |
Iron Maiden Pro | 139,954,790 | 448,513,010 | 14,957,350 | 9 |
Jaws | 99,333,280 | 179,741,850 | 32,011,640 | 5 |
Judge Dredd | 177,637,580 | 347,698,520 | 39,317,790 | 20 |
Jurassic Park Pro | 51,546,340 | 243,010,040 | 5,649,940 | 21 |
Star Trek Pro | 16,561,340 | 53,420,780 | 2,471,760 | 28 |
Stranger Things Pro | 65,579,160 | 157,008,140 | 15,706,130 | 31 |
Venom | 86,474,020 | 268,358,420 | 4,172,620 | 9 |
Quintuple Jackpot Earned for scoring 750 total league points. Earned 01/16/2025 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2025 meet 2) | |
Quadruple Jackpot Earned for scoring 600 total league points. Earned 04/15/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2024 meet 3) | |
Game Room Earned for playing 15 different machines. Earned 02/29/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 8) | |
Low Rise Earned for moving up a group with the minimum points possible. Earned 01/18/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2024 meet 2) | |
Top Banana Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division. Earned 11/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Amber Earned for completing 5 seasons. Earned 11/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Going for Gold Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine. Earned 11/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Lollipop Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero. Earned 11/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 10) | |
Triple Jackpot Earned for scoring 450 total league points. Earned 10/12/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 6) | |
Covering the Bases Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet. Earned 10/12/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 6) | |
The Air Up There Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season. Earned 09/07/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2023 meet 1) | |
Missed a Spot Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines. Earned 08/17/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Summer 2023 meet 10) | |
Deja Vu Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season. Earned 08/10/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Summer 2023 meet 9) | |
Hell Yes Earned for scoring 1+1+3+4 points in a meet. Earned 07/27/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Summer 2023 meet 7) | |
Double Jackpot Earned for scoring 300 total league points. Earned 06/22/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Summer 2023 meet 2) | |
En Fuego Earned for winning all games in a meet. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
Pwnage Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
Sneak In Earned for overcoming a 5+ point deficit to qualify for the playoffs. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
Player For All Seasons Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
WTF?! Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score. Earned 05/25/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 8) | |
Close Shave Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin. Earned 05/11/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 6) | |
Most Improved Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times. Earned 05/11/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 6) | |
Lucky Break Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score. Earned 05/04/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 5) | |
So Close Earned for scoring 19 points in a meet. Earned 04/27/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 4) | |
Beating the Odds Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet. Earned 04/27/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 4) | |
Domination Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet. Earned 04/27/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Apr-Jun 2023 meet 4) | |
Did Your Time Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays. Earned 03/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Centurion Earned for scoring 100 points in a season. Earned 03/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 10) | |
Cherry Picker Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible. Earned 03/02/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 8) | |
Jackpot Earned for scoring 150 total league points. Earned 02/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 6) | |
Strength Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores. Earned 02/16/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 6) | |
Yo-Yo Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets. Earned 02/02/2023 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Spring 2023 meet 4) | |
Finish Line Earned for completing a season. Earned 11/10/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Slick Flipper Earned for qualifying for the playoffs. Earned 11/10/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 10) | |
Daily Double Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet. Earned 10/24/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 8) | |
Best in Show Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet. Earned 10/24/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 8) | |
Snake Eyeses Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1+1 points in a meet. Earned 10/13/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 6) | |
Goose Egg Earned for scoring 0 points in a meet... ouch! Earned 09/29/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 4) | |
Two-fer Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets. Earned 09/15/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 2) | |
Weiner Earned for winning your group. Earned 09/08/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 1) | |
Old School Earned for having a machine score ending in 000. Earned 09/08/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 1) | |
Crushing Victory Earned for winning a game with 4 league points. Earned 09/08/2022 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2022 meet 1) |