St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-The Lazarus

Active from 01/19/2025 through 02/16/2025.

Played 1 season, 5 meets, 20 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Austin Powers 120,275,880 gold medal 120,275,880 120,275,880 1
Black Hole 91,040 140,510 41,570 2
Iron Maiden 52,528,290 122,049,020 7,841,740 3
John Wick 32,646,750 41,158,340 24,135,160 2
Jurassic Park 65,668,930 89,580,930 41,756,930 2
Liberty Bell 245,480 360,330 173,790 3
Medusa 254,690 254,690 254,690 1
Slick Chick 656 704 607 2
Tales From The Crypt 74,707,650 125,339,790 24,075,510 2
X's & O's 232,920 395,320 70,520 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Colton Cornock40100.00%
Daniel Groves1325.00%
Ethan Warfel6650.00%
Grace Mehan8466.67%
Kim Sexton6275.00%
Matthew Strawser3260.00%
Mimi Meyerstrom3175.00%
Steve Fredericks3537.50%

SLAP-The Silver Ballroom

Active from 08/03/2022 through 02/19/2025.

Played 11 seasons, 102 meets, 408 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Addams Family 36,871,270 95,454,360 6,089,430 17
Alice Cooper 12,136,970 22,894,920 5,089,180 8
Alien 9,805,580 18,704,580 3,639,030 3
Batman 66 38,413,360 66,821,850 7,009,760 7
Black Knight SOR 20,110,150 89,526,130 3,235,120 9
Champion Pub 11,729,310 37,783,380 2,402,240 6
Creature From The Black Lagoon 46,616,380 88,413,740 25,779,760 15
Deadpool 77,866,370 131,773,760 23,958,980 2
Dialed In 97,930 308,280 6,840 17
Elvira's House of Horrors 18,636,160 53,660,870 4,094,630 20
Fish Tales 15,844,760 44,283,400 4,539,760 6
Flintstones 144,440,370 276,233,760 35,896,040 14
Funhouse 4,114,880 13,625,230 765,220 28
Hurricane 6,017,970 9,231,810 1,154,940 3
Iron Maiden Premium 47,665,870 468,225,800 5,167,600 33
Jokerz 2,848,640 6,853,450 475,040 12
Judge Dredd 69,377,400 140,580,510 23,123,650 13
Junk Yard 5,351,910 19,932,020 672,660 24
Labyrinth 4,934,900 6,253,020 3,001,360 4
Monster Bash 17,949,130 72,042,420 2,569,470 19
NBA Fastbreak 38 56 21 7
No Good Gophers 4,111,040 13,799,980 1,115,130 22
Oktoberfest 139,510 244,690 75,466 3
Pinbot 546,140 1,004,440 230,120 9
Revenge From Mars 43,208,530 75,329,330 25,096,450 5
Rick And Morty 1,232,930 5,233,605 224,301 8
Royal Rumble 230,506,280 648,870,280 84,913,250 17
Rudy's Nightmare 8,886,730 8,886,730 8,886,730 1
The Munsters 9,321,690 75,574,760 496,991 14
The Walking Dead 8,243,090 27,390,880 964,260 12
Total Nuclear Annihilation 421,670 1,445,182 48,220 19
UltraMan 7,543,630 13,562,060 1,428,520 12
Who Dunnit 649,813,480 1,230,011,160 240,627,950 4

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Abbey Wild41028.57%
Abigail Manwarren242351.06%
Aimee Chadwick2250.00%
Aimee Tate12860.00%
Alex Orear191065.52%
Andrew Zaat181064.29%
Andy Sistek61233.33%
Anne Roulo131154.17%
Ashton Bell2250.00%
Aurora Bihler9756.25%
Bill Friese51131.25%
Brad Sadl281762.22%
Brendon Bova7558.33%
Brennan Sullivan040.00%
Brian Forsee6275.00%
Caitlin Tyczka9375.00%
Carlin Reed11955.00%
Chris Hladky2250.00%
Chris Tate80100.00%
Christina Espitia2250.00%
Dennis Eldridge5362.50%
Dick Buttry3175.00%
Drew Frasca10952.63%
Dustin Howell1325.00%
Dylan Borreson5362.50%
Dylan Sholtes221855.00%
Elizabeth Gwinn5362.50%
Emily Areklett19579.17%
Emma Hankins4450.00%
Erik Wild81240.00%
Jason Allen91145.00%
Jason Wilson MO61430.00%
Jay Albritton40100.00%
Jean Schiller3175.00%
Jesse Loeffler8850.00%
Joe Manwarren7558.33%
Jon Fann111739.29%
Katie Seitz2250.00%
Kelton Ingram6275.00%
Kendell Holder040.00%
Kristi Wilson191752.78%
Kyle Gonzalez191752.78%
Lawrence Booker313348.44%
Lindsey Schulte1325.00%
Liz Rule12860.00%
Marissa Musick3175.00%
Mark Hendley81142.11%
Matt Kemper1712.50%
Matt Klann6275.00%
Matt Puckett2250.00%
Meghan Buttry3175.00%
Mike Radake5645.45%
Phil Day192939.58%
Reid Alexander8466.67%
Rich Cliver142041.18%
Ross Lawrence15962.50%
Roy Lay80100.00%
Russell Richardson62023.08%
Sam Nelson7187.50%
Scott Nickels16866.67%
Shelly Dachroeden51033.33%
Steven LaRosa251956.82%
Todd Zimmerman2250.00%
Tyler Kulasza71729.17%
Zach Jaeger101441.67%

Badges Awarded (41)

Beating the Odds new badge
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 02/16/2025 (SLAP-The Lazarus Sunday Winter2025 meet 5)
Septuple Jackpot new badge
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 02/16/2025 (SLAP-The Lazarus Sunday Winter2025 meet 5)
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 01/19/2025 (SLAP-The Lazarus Sunday Winter2025 meet 1)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 01/11/2025 (The Lazarus Womens League Winter 2025 meet 1)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 11/18/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Fall 2024 meet 8)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 10/23/2024 (SLAP-The Lazarus Fall 2024 meet 3)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 07/15/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024 meet 2)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 02/21/2024 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Winter 2024 meet 6)
Covering the Bases
Covering the Bases
Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet.

Earned 11/08/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2023 meet 5)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 10/25/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2023 meet 3)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 09/20/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2023 meet 10)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 09/20/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2023 meet 10)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 06/21/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2023 meet 9)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 06/21/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2023 meet 9)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/17/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Summer 2023 meet 4)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 10)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 10)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 10)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 03/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 10)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 03/08/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 8)
Earned for reaching 100 league points within the first 8 meets of a season.

Earned 03/08/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 8)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 02/22/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 6)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/08/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/01/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 3)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 02/01/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 3)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 01/25/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 2)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 01/25/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 2)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 01/18/2023 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Co-ed New Year 2023 meet 1)
Slick Flipper
Slick Flipper
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs.

Earned 12/07/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/07/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Winter 2022 meet 6)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 10/05/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 10/05/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 10)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 09/21/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 09/14/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 7)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 09/14/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 7)
Cherry Picker
Cherry Picker
Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible.

Earned 09/07/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 6)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 08/24/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 08/24/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 4)
Low Rise
Low Rise
Earned for moving up a group with the minimum points possible.

Earned 08/17/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 3)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 08/03/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 08/03/2022 (SLAP-The Silver Ballroom Fall 2022 meet 1)