St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Two Plumbers

Active from 04/10/2024 through 11/27/2024.

Played 3 seasons, 30 meets, 120 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Batman 66 46,168,990 90,551,330 18,644,240 10
Big Game 167,400 435,700 54,600 5
Demolition Man 280,773,640 713,541,740 69,366,940 4
Dungeons and Dragons 102,980 102,980 102,980 1
Elvira and Party Monsters 992,230 1,343,930 529,350 5
Halloween 3,690,380 4,345,870 2,749,710 4
Labyrinth 2,613,570 2,649,870 2,558,440 3
Pulp Fiction 59,210 72,690 47,530 4
Rick And Morty 949,760 1,516,202 288,101 7
South Park 59,978,470 150,380,710 7,260,390 8
Spider-Man, The Amazing 80,300 137,710 18,860 6
Star Trek 25th Anniversary 10,869,780 24,259,360 4,750,710 7
Star Wars Episode 1 9,119,070 23,991,400 3,925,890 9
Stranger Things 43,222,750 83,209,650 12,195,690 5
Strikes and Spares 133,570 133,570 133,570 1
Super Mario Bros 26,842,050 50,523,880 8,817,230 14
The X Files 2,972,620 5,143,040 1,526,440 7
Weird Al 1,005,080 1,965,296 191,070 7
World Cup Soccer 356,528,650 691,224,240 96,259,330 11

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Blevens1325.00%
Aaron Burrows5183.33%
Andrew Davitz51131.25%
Andrew Friend171553.13%
Brad Steinmeyer040.00%
Corey Farmer3925.00%
Danny Ohmes3175.00%
Dawn Cross2250.00%
Fred DeBram040.00%
Hannah Cannady71335.00%
Jason Probst6275.00%
Jerico Collins91145.00%
Jim Cannady131546.43%
Joe Cantrell4833.33%
John Boman9756.25%
Johnny Wood3175.00%
Kyle Douglas2625.00%
Pam Blevens3175.00%
Rocky Hinsperger1325.00%
Scott Simpson51131.25%
Steve Signorio1325.00%
Steven Fortenberry2625.00%
Swan Joslin12860.00%
Todd Joslin2528.57%
Topher Crossen81732.00%
Tyler Keohane2250.00%
Willy Russell1325.00%
Zack Brown4736.36%

Badges Awarded (2)

Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 09/02/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024 meet 9)
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Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 05/08/2024 (SLAP-WCP Ladies league Summer 2024 meet 6)