St. Louis Area Pinball
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SLAP-Red Fish Blue Fish

Active from 12/09/2024 through 02/17/2025.

Played 1 season, 7 meets, 28 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Aerosmith LE 45,181,330 86,432,090 22,082,010 3
Beatles 1,794,160 2,473,850 1,201,570 3
Foo Fighters Pro 61,371,770 187,610,750 8,686,590 4
Godzilla 70th 74,161,830 228,243,440 17,226,180 5
Iron Maiden Pro 32,807,850 43,343,120 22,272,570 2
Jaws Pro 73,875,810 116,528,050 51,062,190 3
Led Zeppelin Prem 14,446,080 14,446,080 14,446,080 1
Rush Prem 73,211,210 164,848,120 12,009,550 3
Stranger Things LE 32,301,660 32,301,660 32,301,660 1
The Mandalorian Pro 80,272,940 134,131,670 26,414,210 2
Venom Pro 118,539,360 118,539,360 118,539,360 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Bob Ising2250.00%
Damian Simpson80100.00%
Greg Duffner8850.00%
James Brown5362.50%
Jessica Pashos3175.00%
Jim Grefsrud3175.00%
John Kruger1325.00%
Kyle Boaz2250.00%
Marshall Wills3175.00%
Michelle Wills2250.00%
Nadia 7187.50%
Trey Wilkerson7558.33%
Zach Gossett040.00%

SLAP-The Dive League

Active from 09/26/2024 through 02/20/2025.

Played 2 seasons, 16 meets, 64 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Avengers 8,412,210 12,218,430 4,466,120 3
Cactus Canyon 24,920,680 57,699,380 9,550,140 5
Deadpool 53,396,180 131,827,730 4,611,520 4
Elvira 24,690,120 69,614,340 3,267,620 6
Ghostbusters 48,412,610 63,929,230 33,936,990 3
Godzilla 41,896,630 72,157,930 18,608,140 5
Iron Maiden 97,292,700 97,292,700 97,292,700 1
Jackbot 549,839,360 755,895,530 343,783,180 2
Jaws 97,787,140 131,045,960 43,145,260 3
John Wick 10,468,120 21,669,480 4,743,010 4
Jurassic Park 5,039,270 5,039,270 5,039,270 1
Metallica 164,246,950 224,222,270 82,507,650 3
Monster Bash 22,656,250 69,365,230 4,299,580 5
Pulp Fiction 289,630 442,850 55,300 7
Stranger Things 92,853,440 215,945,920 33,324,670 5
Uncanny Xmen 22,170,300 60,733,550 5,254,750 4
Venom 65,961,790 71,129,360 60,040,870 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Andrew Jabrani40100.00%
Ashton Meine1325.00%
Brian Bannon1712.50%
Dave Hoette3175.00%
Gail Nordgaarden7558.33%
Greg Duffner4450.00%
Jeff Britton1325.00%
Jeff Groh91145.00%
Joe Mulvaney-Norris2250.00%
John Kruger3537.50%
Kim Lowell18385.71%
Matthew Marisa Craig4450.00%
Phil Metzger8753.33%
Scott Tetmeyer7463.64%
Shawn Nordgaarden5741.67%
Suzy Gold12860.00%
Tyler Masters7558.33%

SLAP-The Waiting Room

Active from 07/11/2023 through 02/18/2025.

Played 7 seasons, 67 meets, 268 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Addams Family 37,888,960 78,153,730 801,000 5
Alien 5,973,520 14,194,870 1,741,290 9
Batman 66 Premium 74,999,090 360,119,590 3,991,210 10
Black Knight Sword of Rage 21,751,270 100,027,960 3,649,200 24
Creature from the Black Lagoon 31,233,570 80,460,160 12,616,760 8
Demolition Man 87,981,870 229,285,640 24,964,860 11
Dialed In 135,040 479,320 9,490 18
Dracula 32,319,730 124,837,370 6,736,270 14
Fish Tales 17,775,970 62,221,470 2,162,150 25
Ghostbusters 57,402,740 396,982,070 3,590,710 23
Hurricane 4,810,580 12,326,540 1,693,450 8
Judge Dredd 56,024,360 101,972,310 10,853,930 15
Munsters 7,448,850 21,272,930 904,170 11
NBA Fastbreak 33 94 13 11
Oktoberfest 134,410 222,233 50,170 5
Pinbot 299,400 475,730 108,090 8
Rick & Morty 2,935,960 5,000,701 1,053,502 7
Royal Rumble 104,390,780 142,614,100 66,167,460 2
Scooby Doo 5,661,270 19,665,820 103,800 14
The Walking Dead 12,871,030 30,772,470 4,149,390 11
Total Nuclear Annihilation 254,350 531,251 115,650 3
Weird Al's MONH 1,340,030 3,173,687 322,683 6
Who Dunnit 842,246,280 2,220,909,420 183,411,950 8
World Cup 603,053,900 1,030,172,990 235,351,390 4

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Weiss161355.17%
Angie Cornish7558.33%
Becky Harrington11191.67%
Brad Steinmeyer3537.50%
Brett Bales261366.67%
Brian Capstick122433.33%
Carlin Reed5741.67%
Chaz Lord3537.50%
Christina Rangel232251.11%
Cory Hainlen162044.44%
Danee Bowling2250.00%
Dave Schrag101050.00%
David Rush5741.67%
Edward Smith1325.00%
Eric Bazzell3175.00%
Fred DeBram1712.50%
Gail Nordgaarden141058.33%
Gunes Ozcan3175.00%
Jeff Britton21016.67%
Jill Bales040.00%
Jim Van Herreweghe51525.00%
Jim Zimmerly281270.00%
Kazz White81633.33%
Kimberly Ann91537.50%
Leon Paramore13765.00%
Matt Puckett6275.00%
Michele Lazor16576.19%
Nick Kavanaugh5362.50%
Rachel Kincy13381.25%
Ron Combs7943.75%
Sam Freihoff1712.50%
Sarah Harris5362.50%
Shawn Nordgaarden252253.19%
Shelly Dachroeden91932.14%
Steve "Doc" Dachroeden41225.00%
Steve Rolsing1325.00%
Steven Harrington3175.00%
Valerie Iriarte6650.00%
Vinny Aguirre301862.50%
Zac Schnettler10758.82%

Badges Awarded (29)

Sextuple Jackpot new badge
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 02/20/2025 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Winter 2025 meet 7)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 02/03/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 3)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 01/27/2025 (SLAP- Benton Parkade JAN/FEB/MAR meet 2)
Iron Man
Iron Man
Earned for playing 3 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 01/18/2025 (The Lazarus Womens League Winter 2025 meet 2)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 11/13/2024 (SLAP-The Lazarus Fall 2024 meet 6)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 10/16/2024 (SLAP-The Lazarus Fall 2024 meet 2)
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 10/09/2024 (SLAP-The Lazarus Fall 2024 meet 1)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 09/15/2024 (SLAP-Murphy's On 21 Fall 2024 meet 1)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 08/26/2024 (SLAP-West County Pinball Summer League 2 2024 meet 8)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 04/17/2024 (SLAP-WCP Ladies league Summer 2024 meet 3)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 02/07/2024 (SLAP-Two Plumbers Winter 2024 meet 5)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 11/21/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2023 meet 8)
Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet.

Earned 11/21/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2023 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 11/07/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2023 meet 6)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 10/03/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Fall 2023 meet 1)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Lucky Sevens
Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Slick Flipper
Slick Flipper
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 09/12/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 10)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 08/29/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 8)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 08/15/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 6)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 07/25/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 3)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 07/11/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 07/11/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 1)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 07/11/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 1)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 07/11/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 1)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 07/11/2023 (SLAP-The Waiting Room Summer 2023 meet 1)